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Project Setup

Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
MySQL 5.7.34


This is a Python/Django app which provides the functionalities of an Agenda. This was created during the 10 May - 10 June 2021 individual ASSIST internship.

How to install the application

Clone the code from git.
Create an environment using virtualenv and activate it.
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
Install the project dependencies with pip. Run this command: pip install -r requirements.txt while being in the folder with the requirements.txt file.
Install MySQL 5.7.34
Access mysql server using: mysql -u root -p and create the database: CREATE DATABASE db_name; replace db_name with agenda
Create a file in the same folder as Change the name and user if needed and add the password.

'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
'NAME': 'agenda',
'USER': 'root',
'PASSWORD': 'root',
# added timezone
'TIME_ZONE': 'Europe/Bucharest',
} }

DEBUG = True

Run python migrate to create the tables.
Run python runserver to actually run the application and explore its features.