Automated test consisting of searching for 'Seleniumhq' in google and navigating to the seleniumHq page.
All three pages in the test flow are modeled in page objects (though usually there's a pageObject per each functionally significant element of the page), this provides the following benefits:
- Tests are clearer as the page objects provide a clear API that encapsulates functionality without exposing the underlying webdriver code needed to manipulate the UI
- Code reusability: You can easily reuse the same page objects for different tests reducing code duplication
- Maintainability: If there's a change in a part of the UI, only one pageObject has to be updated.
- Install nodeJs
- Install protractor from the command line: npm install protractor -g
- Download drivers : webdriver-manager update
- Download dependencies (from repo root): npm install
- Start selenium server from command line: webdriver-manager start
- From the command line run: protractor config.js
Config.js holds the following:
- Route to the specs to be executed
- Test reporter configuration
- Browser configuration
- Jasmine configuration