🌱 I’m currently learning Cypress[JavaScript Based End to End Testing Framework]
My Completed Project BookMyShow- A movie Booking Application
💬 Ask me about Selenium ,REST-API ,Cucumber And Appium
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
CodeTentacles Technology
- Pune India
(UTC -12:00)
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REST_API_Framework PublicThis is REST based API Testing Project. Here , All CRUD API's are tested. In this framework a API Automation is implemented. All Scripts are Written in Java Programming Language. REST- Assured java…
Java 1
Selenium-Hybrid-Framework PublicThis is selenium Hybrid framework project. Created for practice purpose. Selenium WebDriver is used for automation purpose. Here , BookMyShow Movie Booking application automation scripts are writte…
Cucumber-Framework PublicThis Cucumber framework developed using BDD style. It is ERP Web Application tested under Selenium and Cucumber framework. All Sceanarios and Feature files are included in this framework. Reporting…
Appium-Framework PublicMobile test automation framework is developed under appium tool. In this framework BookMyShow Mobile application is tested.
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