- Detect Capitals
- Design HashSet
- Valid Palindrome
- Power of Four
- Add and Search Word
- FindAllDuplicate
- Vertical Travesal of Binary Tree
- Path Sum III
- Rotting Oranges
- Excel Sheet Column Number
- H Index
- PascalsTriangleII
- CombinationIterator
- Longest Palindrome
- Non Overlapping Intervals
- Best Time To Buy And Sell Stock III.java
- Distribute Candies To People.java
- Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences.java
- GoatLatin.java
- ReoderList
- SortArrayByParity
- RandomPointInNonOverlappingRectangles
- Stream of Characters
- Sum Of Left Leaves
- Minimum Cost Of Tickets
- Fizz Buzz
- First Right Interval
- Implement Rand10 Using Rand7
- PancakeSorting
- LargestComponentSizebyCommonFactor
- DeleteANodeInBst
- Largest Time for Given Digits
- Contains Duplicate III
- RepeatedSubstringPattern
- PartitionLabels
- AllElementsinTwoBinarySearchTrees
- ImageOverlap
- WordPattern
- SumofRootToLeafBinaryNumbers
- CompareVersionNumbers 10)BullsAndCows 11)MaximumProductSubArray
- Comination Sum III
- Merge Intervals
- Decode String
- RotatedSearchArrayII
- NumbersAtNGivenDigitSet
- UniqueMorseCodeWords
- HouseRobberIII
- BasicCalculatorII
- SmallestIntegerDivisiblebyK
- SubstringWithAtLeastKRepeatingCharacters 10)PartitionEqualSubsetSum 11)PartitionEqualSubsetSum 12)JumpGameIII 13)TheSkyLineProblem
- Maximum Depth Of Binary Tree
- Linked List Random Node
- Increasing Order SearchTree
- Kth Factor Of N
- Can Place Flower
- PopulatingNextRightPointersInEachNodeII
- RemoveDuplicatesFromSortedArrayII
- Smallest Subtree with all the Deepest Nodes
- Burst Balloon
- Palindrome Partitioning
- Squares Of Sorted Array
- Validate Binary Search Tree
- 4Sum II
- Increasing Triplet Sequence
- Cherry PickerII
- SmallestRangeII
- BalancedBinaryTree
- NextGreaterElementIII
- SwapNodesInPairs
- Diagonal traverse
- Decode Ways
- Jump Game IV
- Reach A Number
- PseudoPalindromic Paths In A Binary Tree
- Game Of Life
- LaregstAreaOfHistorgam
- Check Array Formation Through Concatenation
- [Find a Corresponding of a Binary Tree in a of That Tree](/January2021/FindaCorrespondingofaBinaryTreeina ofThatTree.Java)
- Beautiful Arrangement
- Merge two sorted list
- RemoveDuplicatesfromSortedListII
- kth-missing-positive-number
- Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent
- LongestSubstringWithoutRepeatingCharacters
- WordLadder
- MergeSortedArrays
- AddTwoNumbers
- BoatsToSavePeople
- MinimumOperationsToReduceXToZero
- GetMaximumInGeneratedArray
- KthLargestElementInArray
- CountSortedVowelStrings
- MaxPairsWithKSum
- LongestPalindromicSubstring.java
- ValidParentheses.java
- FindMostCompetitiveSubsequence.java
- Determin2StringsAreClose.java
- SortMatixDaigonally.java
- MergeKSortedLists
- MergeKSortedLists
- CheckIfAll1'sAreatLeastLengthKPlacesAway
- PathWithMinimumEffort
- concatenation-of-consecutive-binary-numbers
- smallest-string-with-a-given-numeric-value
- VerticalOrderOfABinaryTree
- MinimizeDeviationinArray
- NextPermutation
- No Of 1 bits
- Trim Binary Search Tree
- Linked List Cycle
- LongestHarmoinousSubsequence
- SimiplifyPaths
- Binary Tree Right Side View
- Shortest Distance to a Character
- Peeking Iterator
- convert-bst-to-greater-tree
- Copy List with Random Pointer
- Valid Anagram
- NumberofStepstoReduceNumbertoZero
- ShortestPathInAGird
- IsGraphBipairate
- TheKWeakestRowsinaMatrix
- LetterCasePermutation
- ContainerWithMostWater
- ArthimeticSlicing
- MinimumRemovetoMakeValidParentheses
- ScoreOfParentheses
- ShortestUnsortedContinuousSubarray
- ValidateStackSequences
- DivideTwoIntegers
- MaximumFrequencyStack
- Distribute Candies
- Set Mismatch
- Missing Number
- Intersection Of Two Linked Lists
- AverageofLevelsinBinaryTree
- ShortEncodingofWords
- DesignHashMap
- AddRowToTree
- IntegertoRoman
- CoinChange
- Check-if-a-string-contains-allbinary-codesofsize-K
- BinaryTreesWithFactors
- SwappingNodesinaLinkedList
- EncodeandDecodeTinyURL
- BestTimetoBuyandSellStockwithTransactionFee
- GenerateRandomPointinaCircle
- WiggleSubSequnce
- KeysAndRooms
- DesignUndergroundSystem
- ReorderedPowerOf2
- SpellChecker
- 3SumWithMultiplicity
- AdvantageShuffle
- PacificAltaticWaterFlow
- WordsSubset
- PalindromicSubStrings
- FlipBinaryTreeToMatchPreorderTraversal
- RussianDollEnvelopes
- StampingTheSequence
- PalindromeLinkedList
- OnesAndZeros
- LongestValidParentheses
- DesignCircularQueue
- GlobalandLocalInversions
- MinimumOperationstoMakeArrayEqual
- determine-if-string-halves-are-alike
- LetterCombinationPhone
- ValidAlienDictionary
- LongestIncreasingPath
- DeepestLeavesSum
- BeautifulArrangementII
- FlattenedNestedList
- PartitionList
- FibonacciNos
- remove-all-adjacent-duplicates-in-string-ii
- PowerfulIntegers
- PrefixAndSuffixSearch
- CourseScheduleIII
- RunningSumof1dArray
- Non-decreasingArray
- JumpGameII
- ConvertSortedListToBST
- DeleteOperationforTwoStrings
- SuperPalindrome
- ConstructTargetArrayWithMultipleSums
- CountPrimes
- MaximumPointsYouCanObtainfromCards
- RangeSumQuery2D-Immutable
- AmbiguousCoordinates
- FlattenBinaryTreetoLinkedList
- BinaryCameraTree
- LongestStringChainSolution
- FindDuplicateFileinSystem
- MinimumMovestoEqualArrayElementsII
- MinimumMovestoEqualArrayElementsII
- BinaryTreeLevelOrderTraversal
- FindandReplacePattern
- NQueen
- FindTheShortestSuperstring
- ToLowerCase
- EvaluateReversePolishNotation
- PartitioningIntoMinimumNumberOfDeciBinaryNumbersg
- maximum-product-of-word-lengths
- MaximumErasureValue
- NQueenII
- MaximumGap
- SearchSuggestionsSystem
- MaxAreaofIsland
- InterleavingString
- MaximumAreaofaPieceofCakeAfterHorizontalandVerticalCutsg
- OpenTheLock