This repository contains scripts that i created in diffrent programming/scripting languages 'Bash - PHP - Python - C - C++ - arduino' etc..
- hours-fixboot : A shell script that recover linux GRUB.
- Auto url shortner : A shell script That uses polr script API to short a list of urls.
- Shorten Drive : A php script that recursively shorten [] a google drive folder and its contents.
- Translate : A php script that automatically translates a text to a 58 languages using Google translate.
- Arduino PWM wirte : A function that produce an analog voltage on a non-PWM arduino pin.
- Escape HTML: A bash script to escape html code to be printed in my blog posts as code examples.
- gnuradio AM FM simulation: Simulation files for multiple signal modulation mods, Amplitude modulation [DSBSC-DSBTC] and Anagle Modulation [FM-AM].
for any problems or questions open an issue, if you have any fixes send a pull request