##pre-requisite php >5.4, mongo driver installed and enabled in php.ini http://php.net/manual/fr/mongo.installation.php
cd timeshare-silex
npm install #this will install the required Grunt dependencies
bower install #will load all client libraries
composer install -d app/api #to install php apps dependencies
npm install grunt-cli # to get grunt installed
grunt serve # to get a local running web server
cd app
php -S localhost:8080 -t . api/app-dev.php
It is an advert posted on the site All fields are required
- name ## string
- user # the user having created the advert ## object
- description ## string
- location ## string
- category ## string
- dateValiditeDebut ## datetime (format: Y-m-d H:i:s)
- dateValiditeFin ## datetime (format: Y-m-d H:i:s)
- demande ## boolean
API REST for Annonce
- All the adverts GET: /api/annonces
- One advert by id GET: /api/annonces/{id}
- Delete on advert by id DELETE: /api/annonces/{id}
- Add an advert POST: /api/annonces
- Edit one advert by id PUT: /api/{id}
- Advert by category and location GET: /api/annonces/{category}/{location}
It is a user registered on the site to post advert All fields are required
- pseudo ## string
- password ## string
- surname ## string
- firstname ## string
- town ## string
- timebalance ## int (auto)
- address ## string
- email ## string
It is created when a user answer to an advert. All fields are required.
- time # the time that will be gained by the user answering the advert
- note # given by the user posting the advert
- debiteur # the user reference object posting the advert
- crediteur # the user answering the advert and to be credited the time
- annonce # a reference to the advert which is answered to