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First project of SABD A.A. 2019/2020


N.B. This configuration is tested on Ubuntu os.

To start the project:

Open a terminal in the main directory of the project and exec the command

sudo docker-compose up

It will begin to pull the docker images used. We have used docker images mostly revisited by us present in our docker hub.

When Docker compose has started the master, open a new terminal and type:

sudo docker exec -it master /bin/bash

And then, in the same terminal type

sh data/

This command will format the HDFS and run it. From now on you can open on your browser a new web page and type http://localhost:9870/ to see the status of the HDFS from webUI.

To see the NiFi status open a new web page on your browser and type http://localhost:8080/nifi

Now, after Nifi and HDFS have been started, the Spark master will automatically start.

Finally the results of the executions will be available in the HDFS, in the "results" folder and in Redis at the address link http://localhost:5001.

By opening the Redis web page, type redis in place of localhost, next to the host entry. Selecting the database ID, with ID = 1 we will go to view the result of query1, with ID = 2 we will go to view the result of query 2, with ID = 3 we will go to view the result of query 3 with Spark MLlib and with ID = 4 we will go to view the result of query 3 with K-means naive.

Run Spark

For run Spark-Master, open a terminal and type:

sh script/

For run Spark-Workers, open a terminal and type:

docker run -it --network=project_network --name spark-worker-1 --link spark-master:spark-master -e ENABLE_INIT_DAEMON=false bde2020/spark-worker:2.4.5-hadoop2.7
docker run -it --network=project_network --name spark-worker-2 --link spark-master:spark-master -e ENABLE_INIT_DAEMON=false bde2020/spark-worker:2.4.5-hadoop2.7
docker run -it --network=project_network --name spark-worker-2 --link spark-master:spark-master -e ENABLE_INIT_DAEMON=false bde2020/spark-worker:2.4.5-hadoop2.7

For run Spark-Submitter, open a terminal and type:

sh script/

Kill and remove

To kill all the containers, type CTRL + C on the terminal where the sudo docker-compose up command was launched and finally to remove them, run the command



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