Development & Production Ready
It may take up to 50 till 160 seconds for the website to be online due to a free account at Render!
Het kan tot 50 seconden duren voordat de website online is i.v.m. een gratis account!
If you want to test, log in:
Username: Wimpie Blok Password: Wimpie1234
Note: Do NOT press on delete in the useraccountpage, otherwise you need another username and password. You can find other usernames and passwords in my github account under website-backend/src/data/users.json or create an account in de the signup page.
Starting up !!!
(open the 1e terminal)
npm install
use / npm audit fix (if needed)
npm install
npm run start (for the frontend, will start on port: 5173)
(open the 2e terminal)
npm install
use: npm audit fix (if needed)
npm install
npm run start (for the backend, will start on port: 3000)
(open the 3e terminal, for the MySql database. So you will have 3 terminals open) npx prisma studio.
The .env file is included for testing!
The integration/unit test still need to be modified for this project due many changes.
This project is done after the docker setup, unit-test, apit-test, the forgot password logic and documentation. My next project an 'E-commerce website' will have more features!
- Redux
- 3e party sign-in/ Third party
- shopping cart
- Paypal or Stripe
- cookies
- AWS / S3
- Mobile App Android and Ios
- hosting