BWRepDump is a tool to extract a wide variety of data from StarCraft: Brood War replays. It's a BWAPI module to be injected in StarCraft replays using Chaoslauncher. For now, from a given replay it produces the following files: Replay Game Data (RGD), Replay Order Data (ROD), Replay Location Data (RLD) and Replay Combat Data (RCD). Notice that BWRepDump is a fork of (bwrepdump)
- StarCraft: Brood War
- BWAPI 4.1.2
- To run it
- For developers
- MS Visual C++ 2013
- Boost 1.56.0
- BWRepDump code from this repository (remember to define the following environment variables:
- Install StarCraft and BWAPI.
- Move BWTA2 windows DLLs to your Windows folder.
- Move BWRepDump DLL to your BWAPI AI folder (usually at
). - Get some replays (for example you can use this scripts).
- Configure BWAPI to execute BWRepDump through all the replays by editing the config file
(usually atc:\StarCraft\bwapi-data\
ai = bwapi-data\AI\BWRepDump.dll
auto_menu = SINGLE_PLAYER
auto_restart = ON
map = maps\replays\some_folder\*.rep
mapiteration = SEQUENCE
- Use ChaosLauncher (it's already installed with BWAPI) to inject BWAPI in StarCraft, in Release mode (Debug will not be able to deal with unanalyzed/unserialized maps).
Data is partly redundant, to make the analysis easier.
[Replay Start]
RepPath: $replayPath
MapName: $mapName
NumStartPositions: $n
The following players are in this replay:
{$playerID, $playerName, $startLoc}
Begin replay data:
Action can be:
$attackType are in {DropAttack, GroundAttack, AirAttack, InvisAttack, UnknownAttackError}.
$tactImportance and $ecoImportance are from in-game heuristics.
T means unit target position, P means order position
[Replay Start]
With new lines uniquely when the unit moved (of Position and/or Region and/or ChokeDepReg) in the last refresh rate frames (100 atm).
Replay Combat Data, detects and track combats during the replay
{ARMY_UPGRADES $playerID, {$upgradeName:$upgradeLevel}}
{ARMY_TECHS $playerID, {$techName}}
{ARMY_END $playerID
To serialize, we hash BWTA's regions and ChokeDepReg regions on their TilePosition center.
ChokeDepReg are regions created from the center of chokes to MAX(MIN_CDR_RADIUS(currently 9), CHOKE_WIDTH) build tiles (TilePositions) away, in a Voronoi tiling fashion. Once that is done, ChokeDepRegs are completed with BWTA::Regions minus existing ChokeDepRegs.