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Releases: adur1990/Pass-for-macOS


28 Sep 14:01
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v0.11.4-beta Pre-release

Bug fix for special characters

If the filepath contains a special shell characters, the decryption could fail.
This should be fixed now.


26 Apr 18:46
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v0.11.3-beta Pre-release

Bug fix for $PASSWORD_STORE_DIR users

Users can use custom paths using the $PASSWORD_STORE_DIR environment variable.
Until now, users using this feature could not use Pass for macOS.
This should be fixed now.


19 Feb 18:22
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v0.11.2-beta Pre-release

Bug fix for keyboard shortcut configuration

This update fixes a bug, where configuring a custom shortcut could not work.


15 Feb 20:00
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v0.11.1-beta Pre-release

Bug fix for ctr-click

This release fixes a bug, where a shortcut containing ctrl was toggeling the context menu instead of the popover.


29 Jan 21:35
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v0.11-beta Pre-release

More convenient navigation

This update Pass for macOS add two new features to make the navigation more convenient. These reduce the need for a mouse significantly.

Cycle through search results

It is now possible to cycle through the search results. You can either use tab to cycle forward or shift-tab to cycle backward. This will also include the search field, i.e., you do not need your mouse anymore to get back to the search field.

Reset the state after the status bar popover closes

Now, every time the popover closes, e.g., because a password was chosen, the popover will be reset. This means that you don't have to use your mouse to get back to the search field for a new search, but you can just start typing.


27 Jan 20:12
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v0.10-beta Pre-release

New Shortcuts

With this update Pass for macOS unifies the shortcuts and changes the auto-fill behaviour.

Note: This update breaks compatibility with macOS version older than 10.14.4 (Mojave).

Using the shortcut outside of Safari

By using the default shortcut `shift-ctrl-p` (or the user-defined shortcut from the preferences), a popover will be shown containing a search field. Here, you can search for passwords. Selecting a search result by double-click or with enter will copy the password to the clipboard, exactly as `pass -c ` does.

Using the shortcut in Safari

When you use the shortcut within Safari, Pass for macOS will search a password containing the current domain. If only one matching password was found, Pass for macOS will auto-fill the credentials and notify you with a little notification in the top right corner. If more than one matching password was found, the popover in the toolbar will show and you can manually select the correct password (which will be used for auto-fill) or refine the search.


24 Jan 12:14
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v0.9-beta Pre-release

New Preference Window and Shortcut Custimization

This update introduces a new Preferences window. Here, you can customize the global shortcut for the host app as well as adjust the behaviour of the update mechanism.


26 Dec 16:00
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v0.8.2-beta Pre-release

Bug Fix and Updates

  • This update fixes a bug, that prevented Pass for macOS running on older macOS versions (37f77da).
  • Additionally, the Sparkle Updater Framework (this windows) was updated to the recent version (24a8fa9)


03 Aug 18:45
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v0.8.1-beta Pre-release

Bug fixes

  • Fix bug, that caused Pass for macOS not to work with symlinks (06e21b9).
  • Show only relevant password files (e.g., exclude .DS_Store) (7265f2d).


19 Apr 17:23
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v0.8-beta Pre-release

Bug fixes and slight improvements

  • This release fixes a bug returning wrong search results (e0c890c).
  • Version information was added to the right-click context menu (e6afcf3).