Inspired by "Descent".
Built with A-Frame.
Demo video:
- Open in Google Chrome (or other browser that supports WebXR)
- Click on "Show"
- Use the following keys to control the ship:
W | Y | A S D | G H J | L | | translation | rotation | stabilize SPACE BAR = shoot
Press Ctrl-Alt-I to open a-frame's inspector.
- Open in Oculus Browser or Firefox Reality
- Click on the "VR" button, in the lower-right corner
- Use your controllers' thumbsticks to control the ship, and the right trigger to shoot
- Press an "Oculus" button to exit the experience
I don't know. 😅 Try it and let me know by posting an issue there:
- Detect press on Oculus Quest's joystick => change ground color
- Detect movement on Oculus Quest's joystick => display in JS console
- Display JS console remotely in Brave browser, from Oculus Browser (source), it used to work once or twice. until I got a "DOMException: The specified session configuration is not supported" error.
- Display JS console remotely in Firefox, from Firefox Reality (about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox)
- Move ship (camera) position (X and Z axes) based on joystick movement
- Use joystick of second controller to change direction (rotate the ship up/down and left/right)
- Fix: keep lateral rotation VS vertical rotation independent
- Move ship forwardaccording to direction, independently from head direction
- Stabilize the ship (parallel to ground) when L or the joystick is pressed
- Draw a simple cockpit around the camera, to make it look more like a ship => wip: how to import from google tilt brush ?
- convert the .tilt file with something like tilt-brush-toolkit or TiltBrushConverter
- or import from google poly, using a component like aframe-google-poly-component or aframe-gblock
- or draw one with tinkerCAD, inspired by descent II => wip
- Draw a basic room
- Add an enemy ship
- Fire a laser when a button is pressed, like in aframe-super-shooter-kit
- Destroy enemy ship when hit by laser
- Bug: in VR, player's head is out of the cockpit. camera's height should not depend on player's height.
- Bug: in VR, controllers are not positioned anymore relative to viewpoint => hide them
- Draw a basic level: two rooms with a corridor, e.g.
- omgitsraven/aframe-room-component: An A-Frame component for laying out simple rooms connected by doors.
- I built something with A-Frame in 2 days (and you can too) - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
- javascript - Move camera in aframe with physics engine - Stack Overflow
- donmccurdy/aframe-physics-system: Physics system for A-Frame VR, built on CANNON.js.
- Make ship collide on room walls (e.g.
- Basic enemy movement: make their ship bounce on room walls
- Make enemy ship occasionally shoot a laser
- Lose a point when hit by laser
Maybe later:
- delegate keyboard controls to