Moped is a MongoDB driver for Ruby, which exposes a simple, elegant, and fast API.
Moped is tested against MRI 1.9.2, 1.9.3, 2.0.0, and JRuby (1.9).
session = %w[]
session.use "echo_test"
session.with(safe: true) do |safe|
safe[:artists].insert(name: "Syd Vicious")
session[:artists].find(name: "Syd Vicious").
:$push => { instruments: { name: "Bass" } }
- Automated replica set node discovery and failover.
- No C or Java extensions
- No external dependencies
- Simple, stable, public API.
- GridFS
- Map/Reduce
These features are possible to implement, but outside the scope of Moped's goals. Consider them perfect opportunities to write a companion gem!
Moped is composed of three parts: an implementation of the BSON specification, an implementation of the Mongo Wire Protocol, and the driver itself. An overview of the first two follows now, and after that more information about the driver.
is the namespace for Moped's BSON implementation. It's
implemented in pure (but fast) ruby. The public entry point into the BSON
module is BSON::Document
, which is just subclass of Hash
, but exposes two
class methods: serialize
and deserialize
. serialize
accepts a
BSON::Document (or Hash) and returns the serialized BSON representation.
does the opposite: it reads data from an IO-like input and
returns a deserialized BSON::Document.
The ObjectId
class is used for generating and interacting with Mongo's ids.
id = # => 4f8583b5e5a4e46a64000002
id.generation_time # => 2012-04-11 13:14:29 UTC
id == Moped::BSON::ObjectId.from_string(id.to_s) # => true
new | Creates a new object id. |
from_string | Creates a new object id from an object id string.
from_time | Creates a new object id from a time.
legal? | Validates an object id string."4f8d8c66e5a4e45396000009")
The Code
class is used for working with javascript on the server."function () { return }")"function (s) { return s.prefix + }",
prefix: "_"
The Binary
class allows you to persist binary data to the server, and
supports the following types: :generic
, :function
, :old
, :uuid
, :md5
and :user
. Note that :old
is deprecated, but still present to support
legacy data., Digest::MD5.digest(__FILE__))
is the namespace for Moped's implementation of the Mongo Wire
Protocol. Its public API consists of classes representing each type of message
in the protocol: Delete
, GetMore
, Insert
, KillCursors
, Query
, Update
, and a convenience class Command
You should never have to worry about protocol objects, but more details can be found in the API documentation if you're interested.
This is the core, public API for Moped. It lives almost entirely in four classes:
: the root object for all interactions with mongo (c.f.,db
in the mongo shell).Collection
: for working with collections in the context of a sessionIndexes
: for manipulating and inspecting a collection's indexesQuery
: for querying, as well as modifying existing data.
What follows is a "whirlwind" overview of the Moped driver API. For details on additional options, and more examples, use the generated API docs.
session = %w[]
session.use :moped_test
session.command ping: 1 # => {"ok"=>1.0}
session.with(safe: { w: 2, wtimeout: 5 }) do |safe_session|
session.with(database: "important_db", consistency: :strong) do |session|
use | Set the current databasesession.use :my_app_test |
with | Return or yield a copy of session with different options.session.with(safe: true) { |s| ... } session.with(database: "admin").command(...) |
[] | Choose a collection in the current database.session[:people] |
drop | Drop the current databasesession.drop |
command | Run a command on the current database.session.command(ping: 1) |
login | Log in to the current database.session.login(username, password) |
logout | Log out from the current database.session.logout |
users = session[:users]
users.find.count # => 0.0
users.indexes.create({name: 1}, {unique: true})
users.insert(name: "John")
users.find.count # => 1.0
users.insert(name: "John")
users.find.count # => 1.0
session.with(safe: true) do |session|
session[:users].insert(name: "John")
end # raises Moped::Errors::OperationFailure
drop | Drop the collectionusers.drop |
indexes | Access information about this collection's indexesusers.indexes |
find | Build a query on the collectionusers.find(name: "John") |
insert | Insert one or multiple documents.users.insert(name: "John") users.insert([{name: "John"}, {name: "Mary"}]) |
session[:users].indexes.create(name: 1)
{ name: 1, location: "2d" },
{ unique: true }
session[:users].indexes[name: 1]
# => {"v"=>1, "key"=>{"name"=>1}, "ns"=>"moped_test.users", "name"=>"name_1" }
session[:users].indexes.drop(name: 1)
session[:users].indexes[name: 1] # => nil
[] | Get an index by its spec.indexes[id: 1] |
create | Create an indexindexes.create({name: 1}, {unique: true}) |
drop | Drop one or all indexesindexes.drop indexes.drop(name: 1) |
each | Yield each indexindexes.each { |idx| } |
users = session[:users]
users.insert(name: "John")
users.find.count # => 1
users.find(name: "Mary").upsert(name: "Mary")
users.find.count # => 2
users.find.skip(1).limit(1).sort(name: -1).one
# => {"_id" => <...>, "name" => "John" }
scope = users.find(name: "Mary").select(_id: 0, name: 1) # => {"name" => "Mary" }
scope.remove # nil
limit | Set the limit for this query.query.limit(5) |
skip | Set the offset for this query.query.skip(5) |
sort | Sort the results of the queryquery.sort(name: -1) |
distinct | Get the distinct values for a field.query.distinct(:name) |
select | Select a set of fields to 0, name: 1) |
one/first | Return the first result from the |
each | Iterate through the results of the query.query.each { |doc| } |
count | Return the number of documents matching the query.query.count |
update | Update the first document matching the query's selector.query.update(name: "John") |
update_all | Update all documents matching the query's selector.query.update_all(name: "John") |
upsert | Create or update a document using query's selector.query.upsert(name: "John") |
remove | Remove a single document matching the query's selector.query.remove |
remove_all | Remove all documents matching the query's selector.query.remove_all |
Here's a list of the exceptions generated by Moped.
Moped::Errors::ConnectionFailure | Raised when a node cannot be reached or a connection is lost.
Note: this exception is only raised if Moped could not reconnect, so you shouldn't attempt to rescue this. |
Moped::Errors::OperationFailure | Raised when a command fails or is invalid, such as when an insert fails in safe mode. |
Moped::Errors::QueryFailure | Raised when an invalid query was sent to the database. |
Moped::Errors::AuthenticationFailure | Raised when invalid credentials were passed to `session.login`. |
Moped::Errors::SocketError | Not a real exception, but a module used to tag unhandled exceptions inside of a node's networking code. Allows you to `rescue Moped::SocketError` which preserving the real exception. |
Other exceptions are possible while running commands, such as IO Errors around failed connections. Moped tries to be smart about managing its connections, such as checking if they're dead before executing a command; but those checks aren't foolproof, and Moped is conservative about handling unexpected errors on its connections. Namely, Moped will not retry a command if an unexpected exception is raised. Why? Because it's impossible to know whether the command was actually received by the remote Mongo instance, and without domain knowledge it cannot be safely retried.
Take for example this case:
session.with(safe: true)["users"].insert(name: "John")
It's entirely possible that the insert command will be sent to Mongo, but the
connection gets closed before we read the result for getLastError
. In this
case, there's no way to know whether the insert was actually successful!
If, however, you want to gracefully handle this in your own application, you could do something like:
document = { _id:, name: "John" }
rescue Moped::Errors::SocketError
session["users"].find(_id: document[:_id]).upsert(document)
Moped has full support for replica sets including automatic failover and node discovery.
Moped will automatically retry lost connections and attempt to detect dead connections before sending an operation. Note, that it will not retry individual operations! For example, these cases will work and not raise any exceptions:
session[:users].insert(name: "John")
# kill primary node and promote secondary
session[:users].insert(name: "John")
session[:users].find.count # => 2.0
# primary node drops our connection
session[:users].insert(name: "John")
However, you'll get an operation error in a case like:
# primary node goes down while reading the reply
session.with(safe: true)[:users].insert(name: "John")
And you'll get a connection error in a case like:
# primary node goes down, no new primary available yet
session[:users].insert(name: "John")
If your session is running with eventual consistency, read operations will never raise connection errors as long as any secondary or primary node is running. The only case where you'll see a connection failure is if a node goes down while attempting to retrieve more results from a cursor, because cursors are tied to individual nodes.
When two attempts to connect to a node fail, it will be marked as down. This
removes it from the list of available nodes for :down_interval
(default 30
seconds). Note that the :down_interval
only applies to normal operations;
that is, if you ask for a primary node and none is available, all nodes will be
retried. Likewise, if you ask for a secondary node, and no secondary or primary
node is available, all nodes will be retreied.
The addresses you pass into your session are used as seeds for setting up replica set connections. After connection, each seed node will return a list of other known nodes which will be added to the set.
This information is cached according to the :refresh_interval
option (default:
5 minutes). That means, e.g., that if you add a new node to your replica set,
it should be represented in Moped within 5 minutes.
Moped is thread-safe -- depending on your definition of thread-safe. For Moped,
it means that there's no shared, global state between multiple sessions. What
it doesn't mean is that a single Session
instance can be interacted with
across threads.
Why not? Because threading is hard. Well, it's more than that -- though the public API for Moped is quite simple, MongoDB requires a good deal of complexity out of the internal API, specifically around replica sets and failover. We've decided that, for now, it's not worth making the replica set code thread-safe.
TL;DR: use one Moped::Session
instance per thread.