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This is a simple demonstration of WebSockets in C. It simply consists of a
server and a HTML page.

After it gets a connection, every two seconds (default) it will send
the hostname, uptime and rx & tx bytes of the system running the server
(can be the same as the client).

Build the server (make), run it (non-root), then load the HTML page
into a browser. You should then see a simple page showing the above
information updating every two seconds. Change the interface to show
stats for and adjust the frequency of updates using the 'spinner' widget.

Really simple, just shows the basics of what's needed for two way

The WebSocket protocol is defined here:

It also demonstrates the use of epoll(7) to handle multiple connections
in a single process.

It will also make use of libseccomp (if installed) to constrain what system
calls can be used once up and running. This really just serves as a

It also implements WebSockets over TLS (wss://), this can be enabled by
passing 'tls' to the websocket_demo command. And by using
wss://localhost:1976/ as the websocket connection string in

You will also need a TLS certificate and key (can be self made, required
some faffing about in Firefox to get it to work) and specify them in the
the TLS_CERT & TLS_KEY variables in websocket_demo.c

Licensed under the MIT license, see MIT-LICENSE.txt