A robust backend system for a KYC compliance workflow application, includes authentication, role-based access control, KYC management, and reporting. mongoose and passport.
git clone https://github.com/abubkr-hago/akwconsultants-backend-assessment.git
cd akwconsultants-backend-assessment
copy the .env.example file to .env and fill in the required values
npm run dev
|--config\ # Environment variables and configuration related things
|--controllers\ # Route controllers (controller layer)
|--docs\ # Swagger files
|--middlewares\ # Custom express middlewares
|--models\ # Mongoose models (data layer)
|--routes\ # Routes
|--services\ # Business logic (service layer)
|--utils\ # Utility classes and functions
|--validations\ # Request data validation schemas
|--app.js # Express app
|--index.js # App entry point
To view the list of available APIs and their specifications, run the server and
go to http://localhost:3000/v1/docs
in your browser. This documentation page
is automatically generated using the swagger definitions
written as comments in the route files.
List of available routes:
Auth routes:
POST /v1/auth/register
- register
POST /v1/auth/login
- login
POST /v1/auth/refresh-tokens
- refresh auth tokens
POST /v1/auth/forgot-password
- send reset password email
POST /v1/auth/reset-password
- reset password
POST /v1/auth/send-verification-email
- send verification email
POST /v1/auth/verify-email
- verify email
User routes:
POST /v1/users
- create a user
GET /v1/users
- get all users
GET /v1/users/:userId
- get user
PATCH /v1/users/:userId
- update user
DELETE /v1/users/:userId
- delete user\
Kyc Submissions routes:
GET /v1/kyc-submissions
- get all submissions (adminsOnly)
POST /v1/kyc-submissions/:kycSubmissionId
- get submission by id (adminsOnly)
POST /v1/kyc-submissions
- submit kyc for users
PATCH /v1/kyc-submissions
- patch kyc submission status (adminsOnly)\
Files routes:
GET /v1/files/fileId
- stream file by id