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Generate https debug log for support

abraunegg edited this page Oct 16, 2020 · 4 revisions

In some cases it may be necessary to generate a https debug log to assist further with analysing what is occurring. Before generating a debug log, if you are running the OneDrive init.d or systemd service, you must stop this service first before generating the debug log.

To generate the https debug log, use one of the following commands:

Standalone mode

onedrive --synchronize --verbose --verbose --debug-https > debug_output.log 2>&1

Monitor mode

onedrive --monitor --verbose --verbose --debug-https > debug_output.log 2>&1

Docker container example

docker container run -e ONEDRIVE_DEBUG=1 ONEDRIVE_DEBUG_HTTPS=1 -v onedrive_conf:/onedrive/conf -v "${onedriveDir}:/onedrive/data" driveone/onedrive:latest

Once the debug file is complete, remove your 'Authorization: bearer' from your log file with the following:

sed -i '/^Authorization:\ bearer\ /d' debug_output.log

Once complete, archive and email debug_output.log or applicable debug log from Docker container to [email protected]

If the resulting log archive file is >4Mb please can you provide a link to download the archive file.