- only django is used. And basic css and es6 are used to style and add auto slug functionality. No other libraries are used (other than font-awesome icons)
pip install -r requirements.txt
and thenpython runserver
- add events and register to those events from register button.
- The events detail page shows all the events and the people registed to those events.
- For admin
- go to
- use abe312 as user and password test1234
- you may also create a new superuser by
python createsuperuser
and then following the instructions.
- you can add events and edit events(change thumbnails, add people etc) on the admin section
Note: django rest framework + angularjs is coming very soon and could be accessed from the master branch. This one can be accessed from the simple-backend branch
git checkout simple-backend
and to go back to master typegit checkout master