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Experimenting with GCP SDK follow along


  1. Create a new Google Cloud Storage Bucket
  2. Copy a picture to bucket
  3. Create compute instance bloghost
  4. Configure a simple LAMP Server
  5. Create SQL instance
  6. Setup user blogdbuser
  7. Setup Firewall Rules

Google Cloud Storage

Create a new Google Cloud Storage Bucket

add code here

Copy a picture to bucket

add code here

Compute VM

Create Compute Instance

add code here

Configure a simple LAMP Server

add code here

Google Cloud SQL

Create SQL instance

add code here

Setup user

add code here

Setup Firewall Rules

add code here


Create VM

Delete existing VM with same name

gcloud compute instances delete bloghost --quiet

Create New Instance

gcloud compute instances create bloghost \
    --metadata-from-file startup-script=./ \
    --zone us-central1-a \

Set HTTP(S) Tags

gcloud compute instances add-tags bloghost \
    --tags http-server,https-server

Step 2 - Setup Firewall Rules

Delete Existing Rules

gcloud compute firewall-rules delete allow-http --quiet
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete allow-https --quiet

Cerate New Firewall Rules

gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-http \
    --action allow \
    --rules tcp:80 \
    --direction IN \
    --target-tags http-server
gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-https \
    --allow tcp:443 \
    --direction IN \
    --target-tags https-server


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