- Django
- Sqlite3 database
- React-native
|- backend/
|- manage.py : Django manager main file
|- requirements.txt : Containing packages required to run this application
|- backend/
|- settings.py : settings for all apps created in this project
|- urls.py : directing urls used by various applications
|- __init__.py : declaring backend as a python package
|- asgi.py : projectc configuration
|- wsgi.py : used during deployment of project on server
|- olp/
|- __init__.py : declaring my_app as a python package
|- urls.py : directing urls within the application
|- apps.py : declaring this folder as the application
|- models.py : contain definition of tables used in the application
|- views.py : contain funtionalities to be performed in the application
|- admin.py : registering tables with django admin site
|- tests.py : containg tests if required (useful in deployment)
|- serializers.py : Contains the model serializers
|- grp 18/
|- App.js : Main app
Steps to be followed:
Set Up virtual Python3 environment
python -m venv env
Activate the environment
windows: env\bin\activate
Unzip the folder in the virtual environment folder
Follow the below commands to set up the database with the required tables
python3 manage.py makemigrations python3 manage.py migrate
Start the Django server using the below command
python manage.py runserver
Open the Local Host to view the App
pip install django-cors-headers
expo install react-native-svg expo install react-native-safe-area-context