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Яyan Priebe edited this page May 17, 2024 · 4 revisions

Views are different ways to display and interact with your data. In the following screenshot, views are the first group of icons while entities occupy the second group.

Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 9 42 08 AM

Your homepage when the app launches the Dashboard, represented by the 🏠 icon. It shows widgets that highlight certain pieces of information you may find useful when booting up the application. It also provides the global search interface (screenshot below).

Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 9 46 48 AM

The Planning view allows you to build a custom TODO list for the day. Future releases will also allow you to plan "Features", but as of beta-155 this feature set is still in design/development.

Screenshot 2023-12-19 at 11 18 26 AM

To start building your plan, choose jobs from the sidebar widget "All Jobs".

Screenshot 2023-12-19 at 11 19 19 AM

Clicking the right arrow will add the job to your plan. You are then presented with some options. If the job already has tasks and notes associated with it, you'll see them listed as unchecked/deselected tasks (see Figure 2 below). Clicking on these items will add it to the Plan and you will see the appropriate counter increment at the top of the page.

If there are no Tasks or Notes associated with the Job, you can click the "Add a task/note to this job" button to create those resources. The Global Interface Filter, once enabled, will only show resources that are directly associated with this Plan. The purpose of this feature is to customize your TODO list for the day and only include the items you believe you will actually accomplish, instead of giving you the whole list.

Figure 1

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 2

The Today view, which functions as your primary interface for data entry. Here you'll find the form to create Records, which detail what you're currently working on. Records are associated to Jobs to connect them to the rest of your data and can be represented in a few different ways. These options are represented by the following tabs.

Screenshot 2023-12-19 at 11 09 45 AM

  1. Chronologic. Displays records in chronologic, or reverse chronologic, order (depending on your Preferences).
  2. Grouped by Job. Records are sorted in chronologic/reverse chronologic order but grouped by Job to make it easier to see how much time you spent on each Job.
  3. Summarized. This is essentially a placeholder for a future (on-device only!) AI-powered list of records the system thinks are the most important/relevant for a given day. As of beta-155 this view is simply a list of the records that contain more than 100 characters and are considered more important because they contain more information.
  4. Today's events. This calendar view doesn't currently represent Records, but calendar events. A future release will plot Records and calendar events on a modified version of this view, the purpose being to show you what you were doing over the whole work day.

CLI Mode

This mode allows you to interact with KlockWork in a manner similar to operating a dumb terminal. However, this mode is NOT a terminal emulator nor is it attempting to be as full featured as one. It is mainly an alternative UI for people who enjoy that kind of workflow.

Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 9 04 51 AM

Supported Commands

  • @session.job={} - Sets the current job
  • @inspect.job={} - Inspect a specific job within the sidebar search widget
  •{} - Inspect a specific company within the sidebar search widget

More supported commands are coming, I just don't think the implementation is good enough to warrant implementing all possible commands (yet).

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