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/ TigiNet Public
forked from DorianBDev/TigiNet

TigiNet is a Neural Network Library.


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By Dorian'B.

Platform Status
Windows Build status
Linux Build Status


TigiNet is a neural network library who provide for the moment only support for multilayer perceptron.

Features :

  • Support for Multilayer Perceptron.
  • Multithreading support.

Todo/Future :

  • Support more neural network type.
  • Multiplatform support.
  • GPU support (with OpenCL).

See the trello for more

OpenCL support

To work with OpenCL (for the GPU usage support) if the support for your platform isn't yet implemented you need to :

  • Download latest header of OpenCL here.
  • Add the headers in the "include/CL/" directory.
  • Build the library "OpenCL ICD Loader library", available here.
  • Follow the instructions of the link to build (don't forget to place headers (see above) in the "inc/CL/").
  • Add the binaries in the "lib/CL/" folder : OpenCL/libOpenCL .dll/.lib/.o.

For windows the .bat in source of OpenCL ICD Loader library may cause problems, for me I juste needed to replace the first line with :

  • For x64 :

    call "(ABSOLUTE PATH FOR VISUAL STUDIO)\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"

  • For x86 :

    call "(ABSOLUTE PATH FOR VISUAL STUDIO)\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars32.bat"


  • One commit per module (e.g : [Core] Changement in core.)


Fomat :

  • vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-{release/nightly/hotfix/rc}
  • Use this version as git tag with 'release' for master branch, 'nightly' for develop branch, 'hotfix' for hotfix branch and 'rc' for release branch (release candidate).
  • For a new version change this file in a commit and only this file and tag it with this version naming.
  • All changements and new features for a new version need to appear in the CHANGELOG file.
  • Need to push the new version commit and after that create the tag and push it.

All branches :

  • master branch : only for release.
  • develop branch : nightly branch, to prepare a new version, the working branch.
  • hotfix branch : to fix a previous release without new features.
  • release branch : pre release/release candidate branch.

Other :

  • See : git tag commands, git commands for changing branch.
  • Use git describe to know the version of a commit (with the form : vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH-{release/nightly/hotfix/rc}-{Number of commit for this verison}-{actual commit hash} )


Under GNU General Public License v3.0. See LICENSE file for more.

Copyright (C) 2018  BACHELOT Dorian

For contact see file.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

See LICENSE file for more.


For contact see file.


Add dependencies

To add a dependency you simply need : (If the dependency is a module/subproject/subdir you can jump to 3. directly.)

  1. Add all dependency headers in thirdparty/inc/
  2. Add the dependency shared or static lib in the lib/[x86 AND x64]/
  3. Go to your targeted module/subproject/subdir folder in src/[YOUR MODULE]/ and open the CMakeLists.txt
  4. Add the name of the dependency to this line : set(TARGET_DEPENDENCIES "name_of_the_dependency_1;name_of_the_dependency_2;[THE NAME HERE]" CACHE STRING "List of others dependencies name." FORCE)
  5. Rebuild the project with CMake


To build with CMake you need :

  1. Go to build/[x86 OR x64]/
  2. Call cmake ../../ -G [YOUR TARGETED GENERATORS/IDE X86 OR X64]

e.g. : Visual studio : cmake ../../ -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" (for x86) cmake ../../ -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" (for x64)

call : cmake --help for generators list.

Project Tree

	|	- x86/
	|	- x64/
	|  - .../
	|	- Module_A/
    |	- Module_B/
    |   - sharedHeaders.h
    |	- Module_A/
    |	- Module_B/
	|	- inc/
	|	- lib/
	|		|	- x86/
	|		|	- x64/
  • build/ : where generate project with cmake.
  • inc/ : your project headers.
  • src/ : your project sources.
  • thirdparty/ : all dependencies.
  • docs/ : where are the documentations and the website.
  • examples/ : where are some examples and all file form samples.
  • res/ : all ressources for the library.

Project organization

This sample project is organized in 'Module', each can be build separately. Each module need to have :

  1. His folder in inc/
  2. His folder in src/
  3. His CMakeLists.txt in src/[YOUR MODULE NAME]/

Each module can be configured in his CMakeLists.txt.

You can have Shared Headers in inc/.

Add module/subproject/subdir

To add a module you need :

  1. Add folder in (name of the module) inc/
  2. Add folder in (name of the module) src/
  3. Add a CMakeLists.txt in src/[YOUR MODULE NAME]/ (you can copy one CMakeLists.txt from another module and just change dependency list and target type (executable or library))

To configure you module you need to set the target type :

Change this two lines :

  • set(TARGET_TYPE "[YOUR TYPE]" CACHE STRING "Type of the target : EXE for executable and LIB: for a library ( can be : SHARED or STATIC or MODULE)." FORCE)
  • set(TARGET_DEPENDENCIES "[YOUR DEPENDENCIES LIST]" CACHE STRING "List of others dependencies name." FORCE)

[YOUR TYPE] can be :

  • EXE for create an executable.
  • LIB:SHARED for create a shared library.
  • LIB:STATIC for create a static library.

[YOUR DEPENDENCIES LIST] need to be like this : name_of_the_dependency_1;name_of_the_dependency_2... See the Add dependencies point for more. Write NONE if you have no dependencies

Compile for 32 or 64 bits

To compile for 32 or 64 bits you need :

On windows :

  • Build your project for Visual Studio [VERSION] for x86
  • Build your project for Visual Studio [VERSION] WIN64 for x64

On linux :

  • Build your project with CMake normaly for x64
  • Build your project with CMake with the options : -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m32 -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m32 for x86

(for linux care you have already the package to compile c++ in 32bits, otherwise you need this two packages : sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386 and sudo apt-get install g++-7-multilib

You already got two folder in the build/ directory for x64 and x86.


  • If you want to add a file with Visual Studio, add it manually and not in VS !




TigiNet is a Neural Network Library.







No packages published


  • C++ 80.1%
  • CMake 19.8%
  • C 0.1%