This program is oriented ONLY for unattended processes With the aim of estimating the complexity of a process and get the information about bots and dependencies, this program takes as input the bot id of a bot (presumably master bot within public folder) and returns several csv files (these files are saved under the projects' /output folder, which script creates if not present):
- <process_name>_bots.csv: This file contains information about bots and sub-bots of the master bot selected. Format is the following:
Bot | Path | Lines | Variables | Packages | Error Handling | Loops | Steps | Comments | Scripts | Email send | Complexity Estimation |
Main - Signium | Bots\A360_Framework\Main\Main - Signium | 198 | 27 | 18 | True | 3 | True | True | False | True | 0.5775 |
xx - SAP open and login | Bots\A360_Framework\Child Bots\xx - SAP open and login | 71 | 19 | 42 | True | 0 | True | True | True | True | 0.5895 |
Create Bot Folders | Bots\A360_Framework\Framework\Create Bot Folders | 60 | 15 | 26 | True | 0 | True | True | False | False | 0.344167 |
Process Item | Bots\A360_Framework\Framework\Process Item | 54 | 12 | 11 | True | 0 | True | True | False | False | 0.274667 |
Read Config File | Bots\A360_Framework\Framework\Read Config File | 48 | 7 | 12 | True | 0 | True | True | False | False | 0.2535 |
End process | Bots\A360_Framework\Framework\End process | 45 | 15 | 18 | True | 2 | True | True | False | True | 0.4375 |
Delete Old Files | Bots\A360_Framework\Framework\Delete Old Files | 43 | 8 | 16 | True | 5 | True | True | False | False | 0.359333 |
Init | Bots\A360_Framework\Framework\Init | 42 | 7 | 14 | True | 3 | True | True | False | False | 0.348167 |
xx - Write a NOTE within person JOURNAL | Bots\A360_Framework\Child Bots\xx - Write a NOTE within person JOURNAL | 32 | 13 | 14 | True | 0 | True | True | False | False | 0.243167 |
- <process_name>_other_dependencies.csv: This file contains the information about non-bot dependencies that master bot is dependant (e.g. vbs scripts, config.xml files and other files that are within the control room)
Name | Path | Content Type |
config.xml | Bots\A360_Framework\Files\config.xml | text/xml |
readme.txt | Bots\A360_Framework\readme.txt | text/plain |
Procedures_and_Functions.vbs | Bots\A360_Framework\SAP VBS Scripts\Procedures_and_Functions.vbs | application/octet-stream |
- <process_name>_variables.csv: This file contains the information about all variables used in master bot and all child bots:
Bot_Name | Name | Type | Description | Input | Output |
Process Item | prompt-assignment | STRING | A variable you can use for assignments | FALSE | FALSE |
Process Item | ioDictItem | DICTIONARY | Contains the variable data + status key that will be defined within this workflow | TRUE | TRUE |
Process Item | iStrBearerToken | STRING | TRUE | FALSE | |
Process Item | iDictConfig | DICTIONARY | TRUE | FALSE | |
Create Bot Folders | prompt-assignment | STRING | A variable you can use for assignments | FALSE | FALSE |
Create Bot Folders | oBoolStatus | BOOLEAN | Flag | FALSE | TRUE |
Create Bot Folders | pStrErrorMessage | STRING | FALSE | FALSE | |
Create Bot Folders | pStrLocalDir | STRING | Home directory of the runner device (e.g. C:\Users\Username) | FALSE | FALSE |
Delete Old Files | prompt-assignment | STRING | A variable you can use for assignments | FALSE | FALSE |
Delete Old Files | iDictConfig | DICTIONARY | Config dictionary | TRUE | FALSE |
Delete Old Files | pDictAuxFiles | DICTIONARY | Auxiliary dict variable for handling files in Delete Files step | FALSE | FALSE |
Read Config File | prompt-assignment | STRING | A variable you can use for assignments | FALSE | FALSE |
Read Config File | oDictConfig | DICTIONARY | FALSE | TRUE |
- <process_name>_packages.csv: This file contains (per bot) the packages and versions used:
bot_name | package_name | package_version |
Process Item | Boolean | 2.2.0-20211011-141617 |
Process Item | Comment | 2.8.0-20211011-141641 |
Process Item | ErrorHandler | 2.8.0-20211011-141720 |
Process Item | If | 3.1.0-20211011-141741 |
Create Bot Folders | Boolean | 2.2.0-20211011-141617 |
Create Bot Folders | Boolean | 2.2.0-20211011-141617 |
Create Bot Folders | Comment | 2.8.0-20211011-141641 |
Delete Old Files | Comment | 2.8.0-20211011-141641 |
Delete Old Files | Comment | 2.8.0-20211011-141641 |
On top of that this program returns (in the console) an overall process complexity estimation, taking into consideration the number of bots involved, e.g.:
Overall complexity 0.5935
This program gives a first picture of a process. However, more variables shall be considered to estimate the complexity, these are:
- Does the process use any triggers?
- Does the process use Workload Management (queues)
- What is the retry logic of the process?
- Any kind of reporting?
- In how many VMs is this process executed?
- If process is attended (AARI Desktop/Web) then another approach shall be taken
For example, inserting the bot id from this url we obtain:
As mentioned for executing this program you will need:
- file is used for storing the sensitive variables such as username, password/apikey and control room url
# This is an example of a file
# You have to write the apiKey or password (one of them) and be coherent when you call the program (add --password flag if password is used)
# Be very careful with special characters within api keys!! Use the raw string prefix in them:
username = "<YOUR_USERNAME>"
cr_url = "<CONTROL ROOM URL>"
apiKey = r"<YOUR API KEY>"
password = "<PASSWORD>"
A360 Control Room user with appropriate permissions for exporting bots. At least user should have these permissions:
- View my bots
- Export Bots
- View my bots
- Generate API-Key
- Permission to view content of public Bots folder (or specific folders within)
A360 Control Room username and password/apiKey (it works with both, but password is not recommended)
- Be careful: For a Control Room that is deployed on Cloud and has SAML authentication enabled, generate the web token with your username and apikey
Access to the Control Room so that you can get the bot id from the Public folder
You only need to point to the Master/Main bot. All dependencies are automatically detected and added
- You should have Python installed in your machine (this program has been deployed with Python 3.10.1 and tested with 3.10.5)
- You should install all the requirements that are located in requirements.txt file
- Once you cloned the repo and installed all the dependencies you must manually create a file. Folder structure shall look like this:
Project Folder:
| .gitignore
| requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
This program is executed from the terminal:
python --id=3669 --process_name="Medical Record Processing"
Overall complexity: 0.5895
csv files are saved under the "output" folder
In case you need help on how the program works you can type --help:
python --help
usage: [-h] --id BOT_ID --process_name PROCESS_NAME [--password]
This code has been developed using Python 3.10.1. Requirements are located in the requirements.txt file
Andoni Aguirre Aranguren
This project is licensed under the GNU Public License