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- Extremely fast, asynchronous, actor design, lock free, universal RPC framework, native GraalVM support
- Decentralized serialization zfoo protocol,supports C++ C# Go Java Javascript TypeScript Lua GDScript Python
- High scalability,Single server deployment, microservice deployment, cluster deployment, gateway deployment
- Can be used as a game server framework or website server framework.
Perfect work development process, complete online solution
- Spring projects, distributed projects, container projects, hot update code without downtime hotswap
- Excel json csv configuration is automatically mapped and parsed,Online hotswap configuration storage
- Automapping framework for MongoDB orm
- Event bus event
- Time task scheduling scheduler
- cpu, memory, hard disk, network monitoring built into the program no code and extra tools required monitor
- Projects with extremely high performance requirements, such as website and game server frameworks, single server, global server, live chat, IM system, real-time push
- Projects such as saving, development, deployment, operation and maintenance costs
- As a backend infrastructure for Godot,Unity,Cocos,Webgl,H5,Network protocol supports tcp udp websocket http
- Keep it Simple and Stupid ,simple configuration, lightweight code
- Environment requirement JDK 17+, support OpenJDK, Oracle JDK and native GraalVM
- If you don't want to depend all zfoo modules, you only need to choose to depend on one of them
tank-game-server Online game《The Fight of Tanks》,novice friendly, difficulty 2 stars
godot-bird bird and bird,powered by godot
cocos-fivechess five chess,use cocos as client
FAQ,There are standard demo display and instructions in the test folder of each project directory, which can be run directly
1. protocol ultimate performance serialization and deserialization
// zfoo protocol registration, can only be initialized once
ProtocolManager.initProtocol(Set.of(ComplexObject.class, ObjectA.class, ObjectB.class));
// serialization
ProtocolManager.write(byteBuf, complexObject);
// deserialization
var packet = ProtocolManager.read(byteBuf);
2. net ultimate performance RPC framework, supports tcp udp websocket http
// Service provider, only need to add an annotation to the method, the interface will be automatically registered
public void atUserInfoAsk(Session session, UserInfoAsk ask) {
// Consumers, synchronously requesting remote service, will block the current thread
var userInfoAsk = UserInfoAsk.valueOf(userId);
var answer = NetContext.getCosumer().syncAsk(userInfoAsk, UserInfoAnswer.class, userId).packet();
// Consumers, asynchronously requesting remote service, and will still execute logic in the current thread after the asynchronous
.asyncAsk(userInfoAsk, UserInfoAnswer.class, userId)
.whenComplete(sm -> {
// do something
3. hotswap hot update code, no need to stop the server, no additional configuration, just one line of code to start hot update
// Pass in the class file that needs to be updated
4. orm automatic mapping framework based on mongodb,The secondary cache is designed using caffeine to fully release the database pressure
// You don't need to write sql and any configuration yourself, define a table in the database directly through annotation definitions
public class UserEntity implements IEntity<Long> {
private long id;
private String name;
// update database data
5. event use the observer design pattern, decouples different modules and improves the quality of the code
// To receive an event, you only need to add an annotation to the method and the method will be automatically listen for the event
public void onMyNoticeEvent(MyNoticeEvent event) {
// do something
// fire an event
EventBus.post(MyNoticeEvent.valueOf("My event"));
6. scheduler scheduling Framework Based on Cron Expression
@Scheduler(cron = "0/1 * * * * ?")
public void cronSchedulerPerSecond() {
// do something
7. storage Excel to class automatic mapping framework, you only need to define a class corresponding to Excel, and directly parse Excel
public class StudentResource {
private int id;
private String name;
private int age;
- People who like this project are welcome to maintain this project together, and pay attention to the following specifications when submitting code
- The code formats uses the default formatting of IntelliJ Idea
- conventional-changelog-metahub
zfoo use Apache License Version 2.0