Main.activity.kt - tells how everything will work.
activity-main.xml - things( text, button, images...) to be included known as widgets.
|__ drawable -for images
|__ layout - activity-main.xml
|__ mipmap - launcher icons
|__ values
|__ for declaration
|__ colors.xml
|__ strings.xml - Eg need to convert the text from English to Hindi
|__ styles.xml - styling of app
|__ Gradle scripts - does multiple test run and convert the program file into apk
How to add widgets ?
Layouts - constraint Layout
- guideline
- Linear Layout
- Frame Layout
- Table Layout
- Table Row
here, using Constarint Layout for designing and code for it is
android:id="@+id/helperMessage" - Every view has a unique id
android:layout_width="wrap_content" - provide the width as the width of text ie to wrap it inside
android:layout_height="wrap_content" - provide the height as the height of text ie to wrap it inside
android:layout_marginTop="60dp" - using dp for margin is preferable than px as it may differ in high and low intesity pixel devices.
android:text="@string/enter_the_name" - here warning will come "extract to strings.xml" , it helps in need to convert the text from one language to another
app:layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf="parent" - its end(left) , start(right) , top parent is parent i.e the edge of screen.
app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />
android:textAlignment="center" - to align the text in center
android:gravity="center_horizontal" - specifies how an object should position its content on both X and Y axis. Values are top, bottom, left, right, center, center_vertical, center_horizonta
app:layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf="parent" - left parent is left edge of screen
app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf="parent" - right parent is right edge of screen
app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="@+id/helperMessage" - top parent is view present above of it i.e. helperMessage
android:textAllCaps="false" - to make the text appear as actually set for it.
android:padding="30dp" - used to create space around an element's content
app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="@+id/nameInput" />
Useful commands - Shift+F6 - change the name everywhere in one go.
-> In gradle Scripts - build.grade -under the plugns sectin we need to add - id 'kotlin-android-extensions' - to sync two pages data
In button section
L Alt+Enter - create method in acticvity
In Main Activity fun createBirthdayCard(view: View) will be created. complete the operations
fun createBirthdayCard(view: View) {
val name = nameInput.editableText.toString() - storing the name using view Id and converting to String
Toast.makeText( this, "name is $name" , Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() - to make text appear on screen for seconds based on user actions, passing the name here
Using intent constructor(to move from one process to another) - two paremeters are passed, current activity and the activity to be opened.
Eg. clicking on link opens the youtube, sharing via whatsapp..
Also, we can pass data in the intent (key, value pair)
fun createBirthdayCard(view: View) {
val name = nameInput.editableText.toString() // storing the name
val intent = Intent(this, // make intent
intent.putExtra("name", name) // passing the name via intent
startActivity(intent) // start the activity
2. Go to activity_birthday_greet.xml - Make a text view design and set the id - birhtdayGreet
3. Receiving the data from current activity. OPEN BirhtdayGreetActivity.kt
companion object // making a static variable can be used at different locations //2
const val NAME_EXTRA = "name_extra" // const => cannot be changed now
val name = intent.getStringExtra(NAME_EXTRA) // 1. "name is the key passed in intent.putExtra
birthdayGreeting.text = "Happy birthday $name" //3 .made a text view in design and use its id to display the text. here, birthdayGreeting is the text view id of BirhtdayGreetActivit activity
sp for text size and dp for everything else
sp = scale independent pixel
dp = density independent pixels
android:textSize="48sp" - text size
android:fontFamily="cursive" - - text style
android:textColor="@color/design_default_color_primary" - text color
android:textStyle="bold" - text bold
android:textAlignment="center" - text alignment
android:gravity="center_horizontal" /> - need to add the gravity for text alignment
android:layout_width="match_parent" - width till edge of screen
android:src="@drawable/cake1" - location of image
android:scaleType="centerCrop"/> - zoom out the image from center to fil in screen if image size is small than sccreen size