🔥 This is a repository for organizing papers ,codes, and etc related to Domain Generalization for Medical Image Analysis (DG for MedIA).
đź’— Medical Image Analysis (MedIA) plays a critical role in computer aided diagnosis system, enabling accurate diagnosis and assessment for various diseases. Over the last decade, deep learning (DL) has demonstrated great success in automating various MedIA tasks such as disease diagnosis, lesion segmentation, prognosis prediction, etc. Despite their success, in many real-world healthcare scenarios, the difference in the image acquisition, such as device manufacturer, scanning protocol, image sequence, and modality, introduces domain shifts, resulting in a significant decline in performance when deploying the well-trained model to clinical sites with different data distributions. Additionally, considering that medical data involves privacy concerns, data sharing restrictions and requires manual annotations by medical experts, collecting data from all possible domains to train DL models is expensive and even prohibitively impossible. Therefore, enhancing the generalization ability of DL models in MedIA is crucial in both clinical and academic fields.
🎯 We hope that this repository can provide assistance to researchers and practitioners in medical image analysis and domain generalization.
- Domain Generalization for Medical Image Analysis
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Augmentation is widely employed in vision tasks to mitigate overfitting and improve generalization capacity, including operations like flipping, cropping, color jittering, noise addition, and others. For domain generalization in medical image analysis, augmentation methods can be broadly categorized as randomization-based, adversarial-based, and normalization-based.
Normalization-based methods aims to normalize the raw intensity values or statistics to reduce the impact of variations in image intensity across different domains. Specifically, these methods are usually employed for specific tasks, such as pathological images.
- Title: Generative models for color normalization in digital pathology and dermatology: Advancing the learning paradigm
- Publication: Expert Systems with Applications 2024
- Summary: Formulate the color normalization task as an image-to-image translation problem, ensuring a pixel-to-pixel correspondence between the original and normalized images.
- Title: Improved Domain Generalization for Cell Detection in Histopathology Images via Test-Time Stain Augmentation
- Publication: MICCAI 2022
- Summary: Propose a test-time stain normalization method for cell detection in histopathology images, which transforms the test images by mixing their stain color with that of the source domain, so that the mixed images may better resemble the source images or their stain-transformed versions used for training.
- Title: Tackling Mitosis Domain Generalization in Histopathology Images with Color Normalization
- Publication: MICCAI Challenge 2022
- Summary: Employ a color normalization method in their architecture for mitosis detection in histopathology images.
- Title: Improve Unseen Domain Generalization via Enhanced Local Color Transformation
- Publication: MICCAI 2020
- Summary: Propose Enhanced Domain Transformation (EDT) for diabetic retinopathy classification, which aims to project the images into a color space that aligns the distribution of source data and unseen target data.
The goal of randomization-based methods is to generate novel input data by applying random transformations to the image-space, frequency-space and feature space.
- Title: Rethinking Data Augmentation for Single-Source Domain Generalization in Medical Image Segmentation
- Publication: AAAI 2023
- Summary: Rethink the data augmentation strategy for DG in medical image segmentation and propose a location-scale augmentation strategy, which performs constrained Bezier transformation on both global and local (i.e. class-level) regions to enrich the informativeness and diversity of augmented.
- [Code]
- Title: Generalizable Cross-modality Medical Image Segmentation via Style Augmentation and Dual Normalization
- Publication: CVPR 2022
- Summary: Employ Bezier Curves to augment single source domain into different styles and split them into source-similar domain and source-dissimilar domain.
- [Code]
- Title: Generalizing Deep Learning for Medical Image Segmentation to Unseen Domains via Deep Stacked Transformation
- Publication: IEEE TMI 2020
- Summary: Propose a deep stacked transformation approach by applying extensive random typical transformations on a single source domain to simulate the domain shift.
- Title: Frequency-Mixed Single-Source Domain Generalization for Medical Image Segmentation
- Publication: MICCAI 2023
- Summary: Present FMAug that extends the domain margin by mixing patches from diverse frequency views.
- [Code]
- Title: Fourier-based augmentation with applications to domain generalization
- Publication: Pattern Recognition 2023
- Summary: Propose a Fourier-based data augmentation strategy called AmpMix by linearly interpolating the amplitudes of two images while keeping their phases unchanged to simulated domain shift. Additionally a consistency training between different augmentation views is incorporated to learn invariant representation.
- [Code]
- Title: Generalizable Medical Image Segmentation via Random Amplitude Mixup and Domain-Specific Image Restoration
- Publication: ECCV 2022
- Summary: Present a continuous frequency space interpolation mechanism for cross-site fundus and prostate segmentation, which exchanges amplitude spectrum (style) to generate new samples while keeping the phase spectrum (semantic)
- [Code]
- Title: Domain Generalization in Restoration of Cataract Fundus Images Via High-Frequency Components
- Publication: ISBI 2022
- Summary: Cataract-like fundus images are randomly synthesized from an identical clear image by adding cataractous blurry. Then, high-frequency components are extracted from the cataract-like images to reduce the domain shift and achieve domain alignment.
- [Code]
- Title: FedDG: Federated Domain Generalization on Medical Image Segmentation via Episodic Learning in Continuous Frequency Space
- Publication: CVPR 2021
- Summary: Propose a continuous frequency space interpolation mechanism for federated medical domain generalization, which exchanges amplitude spectrum across clients to transmit the distribution information, while keeping the phase spectrum with core semantics locally for privacy protection.
- [Code]
- Title: Improving the Generalizability of Convolutional Neural Network-Based Segmentation on CMR Images
- Publication: Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 2020
- Summary: Propose a simple yet effective way for improving the network generalization ability by carefully designing data normalization and augmentation strategies.
Adversarial-based data augmentation methods are driven by adversarial training, aiming to maximize the diversity of data while simultaneously constraining its reliability.
- Title: AADG: Automatic Augmentation for Domain Generalization on Retinal Image Segmentation
- Publication: TMI 2022
- Summary: Introduce a novel proxy task maximizing the diversity among multiple augmented novel domains as measured by the Sinkhorn distance in a unit sphere space to achieve automated augmentation. Adversarial training and deep reinforcement learning are employed to efficiently search the objectives.
- [Code]
- Title: Adversarial Consistency for Single Domain Generalization in Medical Image Segmentation
- Publication: MICCAI 2022
- Summary: Synthesize the new domains via learning an adversarial domain synthesizer (ADS), and propose to keep the underlying semantic information between the source image and the synthetic image via a mutual information regularizer.
- Title: MaxStyle: Adversarial Style Composition for Robust Medical Image Segmentation
- Publication: MICCAI 2022
- Summary: Propose a data augmentation framework called MaxStyle, which augments data with improved image style diversity and hardness, by expanding the style space with noise and searching for the worst-case style composition of latent features via adversarial training.
- [Code]
- Title: Domain Generalization with Adversarial Intensity Attack for Medical Image Segmentation
- Publication: Arxiv 2023
- Summary: Propose Adversarial Intensity Attack (AdverIN) that introduce an adversarial attack on the data intensity distribution, which leverages adversarial training to generate training data with an infinite number of styles and increase data diversity while preserving essential content information.
- Title: TeSLA: Test-Time Self-Learning With Automatic Adversarial Augmentation
- Publication: CVPR 2023
- Summary: Propose a method that combines knowledge distillation with adversarial-based data augmentation for cross-site medical image segmentation tasks.
- [Code]
Data generation is devoted to utilizing generative models such as Variational Autoencoder (VAE), Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Diffusion Models and etc., to generate fictional and novel samples. With source domain data becoming more complex, diverse, and informative, the generalization ability can be increased.
- Title: GH-DDM: the generalized hybrid denoising diffusion model for medical image generation
- Publication: Multimedia Systems 2023
- Summary: Introduce a generalized hybrid denoising diffusion model to enhance generalization ability by generating new cross-domain medical images, which leverages the strong abilities of transformers into diffusion models to model long-range interactions and spatial relationships between anatomical structures.
- Title: Test-Time Image-to-Image Translation Ensembling Improves Out-of-Distribution Generalization in Histopathology
- Publication: MICCAI 2022
- Summary: Utilize multi-domain image-to-image translation model StarGanV2 and projects histopathology test images from unseen domains to the source domains, classify the projected images and ensemble their predictions.
- [Code]
- Title: Domain Generalization for Retinal Vessel Segmentation with Vector Field Transformer
- Publication: PMLR 2022
- Summary: Apply auto-encoder to generate different styles of enhanced vessel maps for augmentation and uses Hessian matrices of an image for segmentation as vector fields better capture the morphological features and suffer less from covariate shift.
- [Code]
- Title: CIRCLe: Color Invariant Representation Learning for Unbiased Classification of Skin Lesions
- Publication: ECCV Workshop 2022
- Summary: Use a Star Generative Adversarial Network (StarGAN) to transform skin types (style), and enforce the feature representation to be invariant across different skin types.
- [Code]
- Title: Semantic Segmentation with Generative Models: Semi-Supervised Learning and Strong Out-of-Domain Generalization
- Publication: CVPR 2021
- Summary: Propose a fully generative approach to semantic segmentation based on StyleGAN2, that models the joint image-label distribution and synthesizes both images and their semantic segmentation masks.
- [Code]
- Title: Generative Adversarial Domain Generalization via Cross-Task Feature Attention Learning for Prostate Segmentation
- Publication: ICONIP 2021
- Summary: Propose a new Generative Adversarial Domain Generalization (GADG) network, which can achieve the domain generalization through the generative adversarial learning on multi-site prostate MRI images. Additionally, to make the prostate segmentation network learned from the source domains still have good performance in the target domain, a Cross-Task Attention Module (CTAM) is designed to transfer the main domain generalized features from the generation branch to the segmentation branch.
- Title: Learning Domain-Agnostic Visual Representation for Computational Pathology Using Medically-Irrelevant Style Transfer Augmentation
- Publication: TMI 2021
- Summary: Propose a style transfer-based aug- mentation (STRAP) method for a tumor classification task, which applies style transfer from non-medical images to histopathology images.
- [Code]
- Title: Multimodal Self-supervised Learning for Medical Image Analysis
- Publication: IPMI 2021
- Summary: Propose a novel approach leveraging self-supervised learning through multimodal jigsaw puzzles for cross-modal medical image synthesis tasks. Additionally, to increase the quantity of multimodal data, they design a cross-modal generation step to create synthetic images from one modality to another using the CycleGAN-based translation model.
- Title: Random Style Transfer Based Domain Generalization Networks Integrating Shape and Spatial Information
- Publication: STACOM 2020
- Summary: Propose novel random style transfer based domain general- ization networks incorporating spatial and shape information based on GANs.
For medical image analysis, a well-generalized model focuses more on task-related semantic features while disregarding task-unrelated style features. In this regard, three types of methods have been extensively investigated: feature normalization, explicit feature alignment, and domain adversarial learning.
This line of methods aim to enhance the generalization ability of models by centering, scaling, decorrelating, standardizing, and whitening extracted feature distributions. This process aids in accelerating the convergence of algorithms and prevents features with larger scales from overpowering those with smaller ones. Common techniques include traditional scaling methods like min-max and z-score normalization, as well as deep learning methods such as batch, layer, and instance normalization.
- Title: SAN-Net: Learning generalization to unseen sites for stroke lesion segmentation with self-adaptive normalization
- Publication: CBM 2023
- Summary: Devise a masked adaptive instance normalization to minimize inter-sites discrepancies for cross-sites stroke lesion segmentation, which standardized input images from different sites into a domain-unrelated style by dynamically learning affine parameters.
- [Code]
- Title: SS-Norm: Spectral-spatial normalization for single-domain generalization with application to retinal vessel segmentation
- Publication: IET IP 2023
- Summary: Decompose the feature into multiple frequency components by performing discrete cosine transform and analyze the semantic contribution degree of each component. Then reweight the frequency components of features and therefore normalize the distribution in the spectral domain.
- Title: Generalizable Cross-modality Medical Image Segmentation via Style Augmentation and Dual Normalization
- Publication: CVPR 2022
- Summary: Design a dual-normalization module to estimate domain distribution information. During the test stage, the model select the nearest feature statistics according to style-embeddings in the dual-normalization module to normalize target domain features for generalization.
- [Code]
Explicit feature alignment methods attempt to remove domain shifts by reducing the discrepancies in feature distributions across multiple source domains, thereby facilitating the learning of domain-invariant feature representations.
- Title: Domain Generalization for Medical Imaging Classification with Linear-Dependency Regularization
- Publication: NeurIPS 2020
- Summary: Adopt Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence to align the distributions of latent features extracted from multiple source domains with a predefined prior distribution.
- [Code]
- Title: Measuring Domain Shift for Deep Learning in Histopathology
- Publication: JBHI 2020
- Summary: Design a dual-normalization module to estimate domain distribution information. During the test stage, the model select the nearest feature statistics according to style-embeddings in the dual-normalization module to normalize target domain features for generalization.
- [Code]
Domain-adversarial training methods are widely used for learning domain-invariant representations by introducing a domain discriminator in an adversarial relationship with the feature extractor
- Title: Adversarially-Regularized Mixed Effects Deep Learning (ARMED) Models Improve Interpretability, Performance, and Generalization on Clustered (non-iid) Data
- Publication: IEEE TPAMI 2023
- Summary: Propose a general-purpose framework for Adversarially-Regularized Mixed Effects Deep learning (ARMED). The ARMED employ an adversarial classifier to regularize the model to learn cluster-invariant fixed effects (domain invariant). The classifier attempts to predict the cluster membership based on the learned features, while the feature extractor is penalized for enabling this prediction.
- Title: Localized adversarial domain generalization
- Publication: CVPR 2022
- Summary: Propose a general-purpose framework for Adversarially-Regularized Mixed Effects Deep learning (ARMED). The ARMED employ an adversarial classifier to regularize the model to learn cluster-invariant fixed effects (domain invariant). The classifier attempts to predict the cluster membership based on the learned features, while the feature extractor is penalized for enabling this prediction.
- [Code]
Feature disentanglement methods aim to decompose the features of input samples into domain-invariant (task-unrelated) and domain-specific (task-related) components, i.e., $\mathbf{z} = [\mathbf{z}\text{invariant}, \mathbf{z}\text{specific}] \in \mathcal{Z}$. The objective of robust generalization models is to concentrate exclusively on the task-related feature components $\mathbf{z}\text{invariant}$ while disregarding the task-unrelated ones $\mathbf{z}\text{specific}$. The mainstream methods of feature disentanglement mainly include multi-component learning and generative modeling.
Multi-component learning achieves feature disentanglement by designing different components to separately extract domain-invariant features and domain-specific features, thereby achieving feature decoupling.
- Title: MI-SegNet: Mutual Information-Based US Segmentation for Unseen Domain Generalization
- Publication: MICCAI 2023
- Summary: Propose MI-SegNet for ultrasound image segmentation. MI-SegNet employs two encoders that separately extract anatomical and domain features from images, and Mutual Information Neural Estimation (MINE) approximation is used to minimize the mutual information between these features.
- Title: Towards principled disentanglement for domain generalization
- Publication: CVPR 2022
- Summary: Introduce disentanglement-constrained domain generalization (DDG) for cross-center tumor detection, which simultaneously learns a semantic encoder and a variation encoder for feature disentanglement, and further constrains the learned representations to be invariant to inter-class variation.
- Title: Contrastive Domain Disentanglement for Generalizable Medical Image Segmentation
- Publication: Arxiv 2022
- Summary: Propose Contrastive Domain Disentanglement and Style Augmentation (CDDSA) for image segmentation in the fundus and MR images. This method introduce a disentangle network to decompose medical images into an anatomical representation and a modality representation, and a style contrastive loss function is designed to ensures that style representations from the same domain bear similarity while those from different domains diverge significantly.
- Title: DoFE: Domain-Oriented Feature Embedding for Generalizable Fundus Image Segmentation on Unseen Datasets
- Publication: IEEE TMI 2020
- Summary: Proposed Domain-oriented Feature Embedding (DoFE) for fundus image segmentation. The DoFE framework incorporates a domain knowledge pool to learn and store the domain prior information (domain-specic) extracted from the multi-source domains. This domain prior knowledge is then dynamically enriched with the image features to make the semantic features more discriminative, improving the generalization ability of the segmentation networks on unseen target domains.
Generative models are also effective techniques for traditional feature disentanglement, such as InfoGAN and
- Title: Learning domain-agnostic representation for disease diagnosiss
- Publication: ICLR 2023
- Summary: Leverage structural causal modeling to explicitly model disease-related and center-effects. Guided by this, propose a novel Domain Agnostic Representation Model (DarMo) based on variational Auto-Encoder and design domain-agnostic and domain-aware encoders to respectively capture disease-related features and varied center effects by incorporating a domain-aware batch normalization layer.
- Title: DiMix: Disentangle-and-Mix Based Domain Generalizable Medical Image Segmentation
- Publication: MICCAI 2023
- Summary: Combine vision transformer architectures with style-based generators for cross-site medical segmentation. It learned domain-invariant representations by swapping domain-specific features, facilitating the disentanglement of content and styles.
- Title: DIVA: Domain Invariant Variational Autoencoders
- Publication: PLMR 2022
- Summary: Propose Domain-invariant variational autoencoder (DIVA) for malaria cell image classification, which disentangles the features into domain information, category information, and other information, which is learned in the VAE framework.
- [Code]
- Title: Variational Disentanglement for Domain Generalization
- Publication: TMLR 2022
- Summary: Propose a Variational Disentanglement Network (VDN) to classify breast cancer metastases. VDN disentangles domain-invariant and domain-specific features by estimating the information gain and maximizing the posterior probability.
- [Code]
Learning strategies have gained significant attention in tackling domain generalization challenges across various fields. They leverage generic learning paradigms to improve model generalization performance, which can be mainly categorized into three categories: ensemble learning, meta-learning, and self-supervised learning.
Ensemble learning is a machine learning technique where multiple models are trained to solve the same problem. For domain generalization, different models can capture domain-specific patterns and representations, so their combination could lead to more robust predictions.
- Title: Mixture of calibrated networks for domain generalization in brain tumor segmentation Data
- Publication: KBS 2023
- Summary: Design the mixture of calibrated networks (MCN) for cross-domain brain tumor segmentation, which combines the predictions from multiple models, and each model has unique calibration characteristics to generate diverse and fine-grained segmentation map.
- Title: DeepLesionBrain: Towards a broader deep-learning generalization for multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation
- Publication: MedIA 2021
- Summary: Use a large group of compact 3D CNNs spatially distributed over the brain regions and associate a distinct network with each region of the brain, thereby producing consensus-based segmentation robust to domain shift.
- Title: MS-Net: Multi-Site Network for Improving Prostate Segmentation With Heterogeneous MRI Data
- Publication: IEEE TMI 2020
- Summary: Propose multi-site network (MS-Net) for cross-site prostate segmentation, which consists of a universal network and multiple domain-specific auxiliary branches. The universal network is trained with the supervision of ground truth and transferred multi-site knowledge from auxiliary branches to help explore the general representation.
- [Code]
Meta-learning, also known as learning to learn, is a machine learning method focused on designing algorithms that can generalize knowledge from diverse tasks. In medical domain generalization tasks, it plays a significant role in addressing the challenge of expensive data collecting and annotating, which divide the source domain(s) into meta-train and meta-test sets to simulate domain shift.
- Title: FedDG: Federated Domain Generalization on Medical Image Segmentation via Episodic Learning in Continuous Frequency Space
- Publication: CVPR 2021
- Summary: Introduce episodic meta-learning for federated medical image segmentation. During the training process of local models, the raw input serves as the meta-train data, while its counterparts generated from frequency space are used as the meta-test data, helping in learning generalizable model parameters.
- [Code]
- Title: Semi-supervised meta-learning with disentanglement for domain-generalised medical image segmentation
- Publication: MICCAI 2021
- Summary: Present a semi-supervised meta-learning framework for domain generalization in medical image segmentation, which split the labeled and unlabeled source data into meta-train and meta-test sets, facilitating improved generalization performance of the model.
- [Code]
- Title: Shape-Aware Meta-learning for Generalizing Prostate MRI Segmentation to Unseen Domains
- Publication: MICCAI 2020
- Summary: Propose a shape-aware meta-learning (SAML) scheme for the prostate MRI segmentation, rooted in gradient-based meta-learning. It explicitly simulates domain shift during training by dividing virtual meta-train and meta-test sets.
- [Code]
Self-supervised learning is a machine learning method where a model learns general representations from input data without explicit supervision. These representations enhance the model's generalization capability, enabling it to mitigate domain-specific biases. This approach is particularly valuable in scenarios where labeled data is scarce or costly to obtain and annotate, such as in medical imaging.
- Title: Robust and data-efficient generalization of self-supervised machine learning for diagnostic imaging
- Publication: Nature Biomedical Engineering 2023
- Summary: Propose robust and efficient medical imaging with self-supervision (REMEDIS) for technology, demographic and behavioral domain shifts, which combines large-scale supervised transfer learning on natural images and intermediate contrastive self-supervised learning on medical images and requires minimal task-specific customization.
- Title: Frequency-Mixed Single-Source Domain Generalization for Medical Image Segmentation
- Publication: MICCAI 2023
- Summary: Leverage frequency-based augmentation technique to extend the single-source domain discrepancy and constructed self-supervision in the single domain augmentation to learn robust context-aware representations for the fundus vessels segmentation.
- [Code]
Optimization strategies play a crucial role in minimizing overfitting to specific domains, which is achieved by adjusting hyperparameters, selecting appropriate loss functions, regularization techniques, and optimization algorithms.
- Title: Model-Based Domain Generalization
- Publication: NeurIPS 2021
- Summary: Present a model-based domain generalization framework to rigorously reformulate the domain generalization problem as a semi-infinite constrained optimization problem. employed group distributionally robust optimization (GDRO) for the skin lesion classification model. This optimization involves more aggressive regularization, implemented through a hyperparameter to favor fitting smaller groups, and early stopping techniques to enhance generalization performance.
- [Code]
- Title: DOMINO++: Domain-Aware Loss Regularization for Deep Learning Generalizability
- Publication: MICCAI 2023
- Summary: Introduce an adaptable regularization framework to calibrate intracranial MRI segmentation models based on expert-guided and data-guided knowledge. The strengths of this regularization lie in its ability to take advantage of the benefits of both the semantic confusability derived from domain knowledge and data distribution.
We list the widely used benchmark datasets for domain generalization including classification and segmentation.
Dataset | Task | #Domain | #Class | Description |
Fundus OC/OD | Segmentation | 4 | 2 | Retinal fundus RGB images from three public datasets, including REFUGE, DrishtiGSand RIM-ONE-r |
Prostate MRI | Segmentation | 6 | 1 | T2-weighted MRI data collected three public datasets, including NCI-ISBI13, I2CVB and PROMISE12 |
Abdominal CT & MRI | Segmentation | 2 | 4 | 30 volumes Computed tomography (CT) and 20 volumes T2 spectral presaturation with inversion recovery (SPIR) MRI |
Cardiac | Segmentation | 2 | 3 | 45 volumes balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) MRI and late gadolinium enhanced (LGE) MRI |
BraTS | Segmentation | 4 | 1 | Multi-contrast MR scans from glioma patients and consists of four different contrasts: T1, T1ce, T2, and FLAIR |
M&Ms | Segmentation | 4 | 3 | Multi-centre, multi-vendor and multi-disease cardiac image segmentation dataset contains 320 subjects |
SCGM | Segmentation | 4 | 1 | Single channel spinal cord gray matter MRI from four different centers |
Camelyon17 | Detection & Classification | 5 | 2 | Whole-slide images (WSI) of hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained lymph node sections of 100 patients |
Chest X-rays | Classification | 3 | 2 | Chest X-rays for detecting whether the image corresponds to a patient with Pneumonia from three dataset NIH, ChexPert and RSNA |
We list the libraries of domain generalization.
- Transfer Learning Library (thuml) for Domain Adaptation, Task Adaptation, and Domain Generalization.
- DomainBed (facebookresearch) is a suite to test domain generalization algorithms.
- DeepDG (Jindong Wang): Deep domain generalization toolkit, which is easier then DomainBed.
- Dassl (Kaiyang Zhou): A PyTorch toolbox for domain adaptation, domain generalization, and semi-supervised learning.
- TorchSSL (Jindong Wang): A open library for semi-supervised learning.
- A collection of domain generalization papers organized by amber0309.
- A collection of domain generalization papers organized by jindongwang.
- A collection of papers on domain generalization, domain adaptation, causality, robustness, prompt, optimization, generative model, etc, organized by yfzhang114.
- A collection of awesome things about domain generalization organized by junkunyuan.
- If you would like to add/update the latest publications / datasets / libraries, please directly add them to this
. - If you would like to correct mistakes/provide advice, please contact us by email ([email protected]).
- You are welcomed to update anything helpful.
- We refer to Generalizing to Unseen Domains: A Survey on Domain Generalization to design the hierarchy of the Contents.
- We refer to junkunyuan, amber0309, and yfzhang114 to design the details of the papers and datasets.
Naturalknight |
ZiweiNiu |
Zerone-fg |