A web component for quick key commands
npm install --save @zicklepop/key-down
- data-key string, required: The key we are watching to be pressed
- data-action enum, optional: Defaults to 'click', but can be set to be 'focus'
- data-scroll boolean, optional: If true, the page will scroll the wrapped element in to view
- data-altKey boolean, optional: Setting this as true or false will require the alt/option key to be pressed or not, otherwise it will not matter.
- data-ctrlKey boolean, optional: Setting this as true or false will require the control key to be pressed or not, otherwise it will not matter.
- data-metaKey boolean, optional: Setting this as true or false will require the meta/Windows/command key to be pressed or not, otherwise it will not matter.
- data-shiftKey boolean, optional: Setting this as true or false will require the shift key to be pressed or not, otherwise it will not matter. If you just want to monitor for a capital letter or symbol, it is recommended to set the
value to it (ieA
Just requires a clickable child element
<key-down data-key="a">
By default, the web component will click the child when the key is pressed, but you can pass in an action like 'focus' for input boxes.
<key-down data-key="b" data-action="focus">
<input type="text" placeholder="Press 'b' key" />
Using every manual property.
<input type="text" placeholder="Press 'ctrl+b' key" />