This project involves simulating the preprocessing of ECG signals using LTSpice. The simulation includes a pre-amplifier, a bandpass filter, a notch filter, and a post-amplifier. The goal is to process the raw ECG signal to improve its quality and remove noise.
- Pre-Amplifier: Boosts the amplitude of the ECG signal before filtering.
- Bandpass Filter: Removes frequencies outside the range of interest for ECG signals (typically 0.5 Hz to 100 Hz).
- Notch Filter: Removes specific unwanted frequencies, such as the power line interference at 50/60 Hz.
- Post-Amplifier: Further amplifies the filtered signal to a suitable level for analysis or recording.
- LTSpice: A circuit simulation software for designing and analyzing electronic circuits.
After simulating each component, output signals are shown as jpegs. As seen, ECG signal is appropriately amplified and filtered.