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Form validation app for Mate academy React course test task


View working project WebComponents form validation

Also, you can read docs here


  • Write tests
  • Add webpack(or another method) to build polymer doc OR generate correct params doc by current gulp plugin
  • Create another polymer elements project for reusable components
  • Style button or create custom button
  • Add custom styles to select & radio controls
  • Create separate component for textarea
  • Switch to typescript

Install the Polymer-CLI

First, make sure you have the Polymer CLI installed. Then run polymer serve to serve your application locally.

Viewing Your Application

$ polymer serve

Building Your Application

$ polymer build

This will create builds of your application in the build/ directory, optimized to be served in production. You can then serve the built versions by giving polymer serve a folder to serve from:

$ polymer serve build/default

Build Documentation

Create JSDoc documentation by gulp plugin in /docs folder

$ npm run docs

Create documentation based on Polymer <iron-component-page> - in progress

$ npm run docs:polymer

Deploy Project

Deploy main project to firebase You need setup firebase project before

$ npm run deploy

Run git push origin <branch_name>:master to deploy docs to GitHub Pages

Running Tests

$ polymer test

Your application is already set up to be tested via web-component-tester. Run polymer test to run your application's test suite locally.


Form validation project based on Web Components and Polymer 3.0. Hosted on Firebase.








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