Sophia is not natively supported by vim and it's file extension "aes" is interpreted as a plain text by VIM, hence a little configuration is required to spice things up. Follow the steps below to add a syntax highlighting feature for Sophia (aes) in Vim.
- Add a file detect type for Sophia files using either of the options below:
- Add a aes.vim file to ftdetect
" ~/.vim/after/ftdetect/aes.vim autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.aes setfiletype aes
- Add a filetype config file to vim
" ~/.vim/filetype.vim if exists("did_load_filetypes") finish endif augroup filetypedetect au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.aes setfiletype aes augroup END
- Copy the syntax file to the syntax directory (~/.vim/after/syntax/aes.vim)
- Restart VIM for the changes to take effect
N.B: The syntax highlighting works well with any color scheme.