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[PRE-ALPHA] neovim frontend for Microsoft's Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP).


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dapper.nvim (PRE-ALPHA)

A language-agnostic debugger plugin frontend for neovim, implemented as a client for the debug adapter protocol.

Work In Progress.


dapper.nvim requires:

  • A recent version of Node.js.
  • neovim, and the neovim Node.js provider.




If you haven't done so already, install Node.js and the Node package manager. On Ubuntu, we recommend following the instructions here to install a recent LTS version of Node.js.

Alternatively, you might just install Node.js through apt.

sudo apt install nodejs


While it should be possible to install dapper.nvim's Node dependencies using npm, we strongly recommend using yarn instead. In our experience, yarn is much more reliable.

Find installation instructions for yarn here.

neovim Node.js Client

Install neovim's node client by running the following:

sudo npm install -g neovim

# OR, if you use yarn,

yarn add global neovim

Plugin Installation

We recommend installing dapper.nvim using vim-plug.

" .vimrc
call plug#begin('~/.vim/bundle')
" ...
Plug 'Yilin-Yang/dapper.nvim', { 'do': 'yarn install', }

  " dependencies
  Plug 'Google/vim-maktaba'
  Plug 'Yilin-Yang/VSCrib.vim'
  Plug 'Yilin-Yang/TypeVim'
" ...
call plug#end()

And then run :PlugInstall, followed by :UpdateRemotePlugins.

Other package managers (like Vundle) are usable, so long as you make sure to install the plugin's Node.js package dependencies. For instance, you might do the following:

" .vimrc
call vundle#begin('~/.vim/bundle')
" ...
Plugin 'Yilin-Yang/dapper.nvim'

  " dependencies
  Plugin 'Google/vim-maktaba'
  Plugin 'Yilin-Yang/VSCrib.vim'
  Plugin 'Yilin-Yang/TypeVim'
" ...
call vundle#end()

And then,

cd ~/.vim/bundle # or wherever you've installed the plugin
cd dapper.nvim
yarn install



Install development dependencies and compile the TypeScript source using:

yarn install

Running Tests

vim Frontend Test Cases (vader)

# from project root,
cd test
./run_tests_nvim [-v | --visible] [-i | --international] [--file=<TESTFILE.vader>]

dapper.nvim uses vader.vim as its testing framework; you must have vader.vim installed to run the vim tests. (See .travis_vimrc in the project root for the necessary installation path.)

Specifying --visible will run the tests in an active neovim GUI. Specifying --international will re-run the same test suites in other locales (e.g. in German, in Spanish), to catch bugs that only occur when running neovim in a non-English language. International test cases require that those other locales be installed on your machine; see .travis.yml for (Debian/Ubuntu) installation instructions.

TypeScript "Middle-end" Test Cases (mocha)

# from project root
extensions/  # "install" vscode-mock-debug
npm run test

dapper.nvim uses mocha as its testing library. yarn install should also install mocha, and all necessary dependencies for running it.

extensions/ may fail if your nodejs installation is newer than major version 8. This doesn't actually seem like a hard requirement; if this occurs, try changing "node": "^8.9.3" inside of node_modules/vscode-mock-debug/package.json to "node": ">=8.9.3", and then run yarn install in that directory.

Note that, since the Debug Adapter Protocol (and dapper.nvim, by extension) rely heavily on inter-process communication (e.g. launching debug adapters in the background, terminating those adapters after tests are complete), it's possible for tests to fail by timing out; the test case timeouts are generously long (5000ms, as of the time of writing) for this reason. This is probably only an issue on slower machines/environments (e.g. thin-and-light notebooks, WSL), but if you encounter it, try setting your computer to a "High performance" power state.

If npm run test does not terminate (e.g. if all tests pass, but mocha hangs, and the command doesn't get to run npx gts check), this means that one of the test cases failed to "clean up", which should be treated as a failure.

Coding Style

This repository has an EditorConfig file in its top-level directory. If contributing using vim, you can use editorconfig-vim to load settings from .editorconfig automatically.

This repository is written in a mixture of VimL and TypeScript, and tries to follow Google's style guides wherever possible.

A link to Google's VimL style guide can be found here.

Adherence to Google's TypeScript style guide can be easily checked/fixed by the ts-style tool.

ts-style provides the following commands, among others:

[npx] gts check # lint and check for formatting problems
[npx] gts fix   # fix style/formatting errors, wherever possible
[npx] gts clean # remove output files, analogous to `make clean`

(The npx program will run gts from dapper.nvim/node_modules.bin, if it is not installed globally.)

If the EditorConfig and ts-style conflict, prefer ts-style and (if possible) open a pull request after changing the EditorConfig to match.




[PRE-ALPHA] neovim frontend for Microsoft's Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP).








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