This code is for a bot which will find a Twitter user's most tweeted word and tweet that word, tagging said user
The program uses tweepy to access Twitter API
HOW THE BOT WORKS: The bot will scan through its followers and for every follower, will scan the user's tweets and tweet their most tweeted word in the format: @username's most tweeted word is [word] (number of times word is used)
To find their most tweeted word, a Twitter user will have to follow this bot's account.
As of now, a user following the bot will not act as a trigger. I will manually be running the bot from my machine a few times a day to work it.
- Getting a user from followers list:
- first, I open a blank .txt file
- next, using the api.followers(user) function, I pulled the bot's followers
- scan through the followers and filter out the protected accounts -- add the selected user IDs to a followers_list
- cycle through the followers_list formed in the above step with a for loop
- IF "follower" in the for loop iteration is not in the .txt file, append users_list with "follower" and also append .txt file
- the above step makes sure the bot does not run for the same account more than once
- choose only 5 users at a time.
- Finding max tweeted word:
- This is for chosen user among 5 users in users_list
- Pull all tweets of the user. Twitter API limits maximum tweets to be pulled at 200. To bypass this and pull all (up to ~3,500) tweets, cycle through tweets by filtering by using tweet_id which is timestamped
- store all tweets in a list
- initialize a words_list and a words_count_list to store the words tweeted by the user and corresponding count
- in a for loop, for every tweet, pull tweet.text to extract the text content mentioned in each element of the tweets list from the step above
- once tweet.text is extracted, comb through each word with for loop. For word selected in for loop, convert it to small-case to avoid multiple counting. For example, YES, Yes and yes are all considered to be different words if case insensitisation is not done. Check if word selected in for loop iteration exists in words_list. If YES, then find index of word in words_list and increment element at index in words_count. If NO, check if chosen word in the loop is NOT in the words_to_filter.txt file. If word is not in words_to_filter.txt, append word in words_list and then do index matching as mentioned in the YES step
- after this, sort the words_count_list in reverse order -- element at pos [0] is the count of the max tweeted word. Find index of element at [0] in sorted list in words_count_list and the word at this index is the most tweeted word
- Tweeting
- using api.update_status, tweet in the format @username's most tweeted word is [word] (number of times word is used)