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YTG123 edited this page Jan 28, 2021 · 3 revisions

This page explains all the configuration options in Manhunt and how to use them. The format will be like so:

  • optionName - User Friendly name
    • Type
    • Description
    • Default

Tip: If you want IDE suggestions when editing/creating a Manhunt configuration file, set the $schema field of the file to

Configuration Options

  • compassBehaviour - Compass Behaviour
    • Enum (UPDATE or USE)
    • This option determines when the compass will update. UPDATE means every tick, while USE updates when a hunter sneaks+uses a compass (Shift+Right Click in default keybinds).
    • USE
  • damageBehaviour - Damage Behaviour
    • Enum (KILL, DAMAGE)
    • This option determines how the speedrunner can die. DAMAGE means that the speedrunner dies when taking any amount of damage from a hunter, and KILL is like normal vanilla Minecraft.
    • KILL
  • giveCompassWhenSettingHunters - Enforce Compass Upon Hunters
    • Boolean (true or false)
    • This option determines if a compass is given to the hunters when adding a hunter to the list. Also, the compass is forced upon the 9th hotbar slot in the hunters' inventory. And, if this option is enabled, no compass will drop when a hunter is killed.
    • true
  • disabledDimensions - Disabled Compass Dimensions
    • List of Strings (array in Json)
    • All dimennsion identifiers inside the list will disable all hunters' compasses if the speedrunner is in them. For example, if it's set to ["minecraft:the_nether"], the compass will not work if the speedrunner is in the nether.
    • [] (empty)
  • highlightSpeedrunner - Highlight Speedrunner
    • Boolean (true or false)
    • If true, the speedrunner will receive the glowing effect. If false, everything happens as normal.
    • false
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