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WitoDelnat edited this page May 30, 2022 · 7 revisions

Progressive feature flags are nothing but an implementation detail to help you solve these problems:

You want to increase your deployment frequency

Trunk-based development, small commits and automated deployments on merge to main are an amazing way to increase your deployment frequency. Feature flags allow you to decouple deploy from release to keep control of when users get to use new features.

You want to reduce stress of releases

With progressive delivery you start with manual tests in production, continue with a canary release to a few percentage of users and then gradually increase this percentage. Recovery from failures by rolling back is fast and remains unnoticed by the majority of your userbase.

You want to gather the preferences of your users

Gather the unspoken preferences of your users with A/B testing or get started with early previews to gather feedback of your dedicated users to show that you value their opinion.