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Here are some small assembler code examples how to use OpenGL/GLUT under OSX.

If you try to assemble and link them for your own try this:
1.) nasm -g -f macho32 GLandApple.asm
-> will create an *.o file
2.) xcrun gcc -framework GLUT -framework OpenGL -m32 -o GLandApple.out GLandApple.o
-> will link your *.o file together with the GLUT, OpenGL and glibc frameworks of OSX and create your executable *.out file

Last time I assmble them I have used NASM 2.11.04 as assmbler and the linker from XCode 6.2 .

-   -> I change an official gl.h   file for C to make it usable for NASM; it contains it's own licenses
- -> I change an official glut.h file for C to make it usable for NASM; it contains it's own licenses
- *.asm    -> all code was done by me.
- *.out    -> the executables that should run at least at OSX 10.9

You can close all applications with cmd+Q or ESC and you can toggle between full screen and window with cmd+F .

The most part of the examples is allways the same and it initalize an OpenGL window and provides an pointer to an GL frame buffer (fbuff) 
that can be filled inside the cyclic called draw function _draw_to_frame_buff with own code.
In the examples I fill this frame buffer with different things: Julia sets, Mandelbrot sets, an fire plasma or an weierstrass P function (calulates pressure field around an airplane wing).
Most of this algorithims are realy old and I wrote them decades ago to run in real mode 16-bit in DOS and some later with DirectX under Windows XP. So don't wonder when you see some crazy 8-bit or 16-bit arithmetic.
Today I would do many thinks a differnet way and would create the algorithims more readable than in times when the CPU's were slow and you have to avoid too many memory accesses.
Anyway have fun and start to code assembler code for OSX. :B-)

Copyright 2015 Marco Köhler


Some assembler code examples how to use OpenGL under OSX







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