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Headless mode

Samuel edited this page Dec 4, 2017 · 18 revisions

Headless mode, also called Daemon mode, is a non Graphical User Interface (GUI) mode.
Meaning that you can only interact with UMS through interfaces like the web browsers.
Sometimes, graphical interface, or at least translucency, are not supported by the operating system, like Puppy Linux or X2Go, so running UMS headless is the only way.

In Linux

UMS can be run in headless mode only. For that you need to run it with ./ console or ./ headless command line.
UMS can also be installed as headless mode. More instructions can be found here and there.
Running as a service requires to open the 5001 and 9001 ports in the firewall.
Running as a service allows UMS to be still available, usable even if your are logged out of your account.
If you're running headless you can't enable trace mode from the GUI, so you need to add "trace" after "" on the command line: ./ trace

In Windows

Right click on the UMS icon link and select "Properties", then select "Shortcut" tab. In the "Target" box add headless. After that you will need to "Apply" and validate with "OK" and you'll be done.
You can now run it manually or put this link in the "start up" menu of Windows.

"C:\Program Files\Universal Media Server\UMS.exe" headless

Open a Terminal windows and type the following command lines:
cd /Applications/Universal\ Media\
java -jar /Applications/Universal\ Media\ headless

Note: The name of the JAR must be adapted to the version used obviously.
Running UMS headless and GUI simultaneously is possible, as long as they have different configurations, that mean different folders with different databases, and different ports configured.

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