Tintify tints your untinted terminal
Tintify is an NPM package that brings you all you need to add colors and effects to your terminal!
This package isn't a simple list of ANSI escape sequences.
It brings you utilities functions that permit you to use custom RGB colors or the HEXADECIMAL notations.
In future update, we will bring you others functions like new formatters. Current formatters permit you to transform your message into an rainbow text, a linear gradient between two colors, a matrix style text or a format function where you can pass flags to replace with a color (ie: flag §3
or §b
will be transformed to a color or effect according to the config)
npm install tintify
pnpm install tintify
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import { forground, brightBackground } from "tintify";
console.log(`${forground.blue}Hello ${forground.red}${brightBackground.blue}World!`);
import { forgroundRGBColor, backgroundRGBColor, hexToRgb } from "tintify";
const helloFgColor = forgroundRGBColor({red: 63, green: 112, blue: 84});
const worldFgColor = forgroundRGBColor(hexToRgb("#9d19c2"));
const worldBgColor = backgroundRGBColor({red: 63, green: 112, blue: 84});
console.log(`${helloFgColor}Hello ${worldFgColor}${worldBgColor}World!`);
import { hexToRgb, linearGradient } from "tintify";
console.log(linearGradient("Tintify tints your untinted terminal", hexToRgb("#40db21"), {red: 255, green: 0, blue: 0}));
import { hexToRgb, matrix } from "tintify";
console.log(matrix("Tintify tints your untinted terminal", hexToRgb("#00FF00")));
console.log(matrix("Tintify tints your untinted terminal", hexToRgb("#00FF00"), 200));
import { hexToRgb, rainbow } from "tintify";
console.log(rainbow("Tintify tints your untinted terminal"));
console.log(rainbow("Tintify tints your untinted terminal", hexToRgb("#00FF00")));
console.log(rainbow("Tintify tints your untinted terminal", hexToRgb("#00FF00"), 100));
console.log(rainbow("Tintify tints your untinted terminal", hexToRgb("#00FF00"), 100, false));
import { defaultFormatConfig, forground, format } from "tintify";
console.log(format("§2Hello §b§4World!"));
console.log(format("§2Hello §b§4World!", {
"§2": forground.blue