- /weather - returns most up to date weather
- /weather_hourly - returns weather for: 3h 6h 9h ahead and 1,2,3,4 days ahead.
Icons format:0 - bezchmurnie (clear sky) 1 - zarezerwowane dla innych, 2 - burza (thunderstorm), 3 - mżawka (drizzle), 5 - deszcz (rain), 6 - śnieg (snow), 7 - fog/smoke/haze, 8 - zachmurzone niebo (Clouds)
- /instagram - gets posts from instagram (links) + description + number of likes
- /events - gets current events from UMCS main website
- /news - returns latests news from UMCS website
- /aula105 - returns 2 upcoming classes in 105 inf Aula Duża
- /ztm - returns metadata (?)
- /ztm/getBuses - returns all busses
- /ztm/ - returns bus details about sepcified ID