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Native Android App that consumes a REST API using several techniques

Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation

Characters of LOTR

This application shows all the characters of the Lord of the Rings books.

Uses this API:


Implements 4 different methods to get the API data:

  • URLConnection + JSONObject - Standard way, with no dependencies of external libraries
  • OkHttp + JSONObject - Better communication layer but parsing still done "by hand"
  • OkHttp + Gson - Higher level but still close to the "wire"
  • Retrofit - Highest level

You can change the method that is used in LOTRViewModel

Sync vs Async

To experience the differences between sync and async calls, there is a mixture of both types.

URLConnection + JSONObject and OkHttp + Gson are executed synchronously (i.e., the call blocks until it gets a response from the server)

OkHttp + JSONObject and Retrofit are executed asynchronously (i.e., the execution continues and a callback is called when it gets a response from the server)

Note: You should always use async calls in Android applications, to prevent blocking the main thread.

Automated tests

Uses MockWebserver (okhttp) to mock the real server

Unit tests

Located on app/src/test

Includes JUnit tests for the 4 methods. Since these are standard JUnit tests, you can run them without running the emulator!

Instrumentation tests

Located on app/src/androidTest

These tests launch the application on an emulator and simulate clicking the "Get Characters" button and checking the resulting list.

The tricky part is passing the mock web server to the activity. This is done within the onActivity() callback, from which we have access to the actual Activity instance and can inject stuff.

Github actions

This project is automatically checked on each push, using github actions.

You can check the current configuration on .github/

There are two jobs:

  • checks_and_tests - runs gradlew check, which compiles and runs all the unit tests
  • integration_tests - runs gradlew checkConnected, which runs all instrumentation tests. Since these tests need to run in an emulator, I use the fantastic reactivecircus/android-emulator-runner.

Some remarks

  • Uses view binding - you have to include in build.gradle:

    buildFeatures {
       viewBinding true
  • Uses parcelize - you have to include in build.gradle:

    plugins {
       id 'kotlin-parcelize'
  • Remote calls receive a onFinished callback with a kotlin.Result:

    • isSuccess - called when the server returned the message and it was ok
    • isFailure - called when there was an error communicating with the server or the response was not ok
  • The ViewModel receives two callbacks (onSuccess and onFailure) just to show an alternative to the kotlin.Result used in the remote calls (see previous point)

  • Uses suspend functions in retrofit, to simplify code and ease debugging. Requires retrofit 2.6.0+

  • Uses mockwebserver for testing - you have to include this dependency in build.gradle

    testImplementation "com.squareup.okhttp3:mockwebserver:4.10.0"
  • To use mockwebserver on instrumented tests, you have to include this line in androidmanifest.xml:



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