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Colleges Theme

A responsive WordPress theme for UCF's college websites, built off of the Athena Framework.

Installation Requirements

This theme is developed and tested against WordPress 4.9.8+ and PHP 5.3.x+.

Required Plugins

These plugins must be activated for the theme to function properly.

Supported Plugins

The plugins listed below are extended upon in this theme--this may include custom layouts for feeds, style modifications, etc. These plugins are not technically required on sites running this theme, and shouldn't be activated on sites that don't require their features. A plugin does not have to be listed here to be compatible with this theme.


  • Ensure that menus have been created and assigned to the Header Menu and Footer Menu locations.
  • Import field groups (dev/acf-fields.json) using the ACF importer under Custom Fields > Tools.
  • Set the homepage to a static page in Settings > Reading


Note that compiled, minified css and js files are included within the repo. Changes to these files should be tracked via git (so that users installing the theme using traditional installation methods will have a working theme out-of-the-box.)

Enabling debug mode in your wp-config.php file is recommended during development to help catch warnings and bugs.


  • node
  • gulp-cli


  1. Clone the Colleges-Theme repo into your development environment, within your WordPress installation's themes/ directory: git clone
  2. cd into the Colleges-Theme directory, and run npm install to install required packages for development into node_modules/ within the repo
  3. Copy gulp-config.template.json, make any desired changes, and save as gulp-config.json.
  4. Run gulp default to process front-end assets.
  5. If you haven't already done so, create a new WordPress site on your development environment, install the required plugins listed above, and set the Colleges Theme as the active theme.
  6. Make sure you've done all the steps listed under "Configuration" above.
  7. Run gulp watch to continuously watch changes to scss and js files. If you enabled BrowserSync in gulp-config.json, it will also reload your browser when scss or js files change.