GTF=/data/genomidata/genomes/Broad.hg19.RefSeq.NM_only.170811.gtf --num_cores 10 \
--input SignalFile --input_file counts.txt \
--dattr SignalFile.preprocess=counts \
--input GTFGeneModel --input_file ${GTF} \
--output InferCNVAnalysis --output_file output_folder \
--mattr reference_dataset=ref.counts.1.txt \
--mattr reference_dataset2=ref.counts.2.txt \
--mattr \
--mattr \
If you do not want to generate plots--substitute InferCNVAnalysis with InferCNVOutput.
fibroblasts counts is used as a reference here.
filtered counts (the "filtered_counts" in the demo script):
the counts of the high quality cells in the format of tab-delimited plain text file, looking like so:
Gene.Symbol | Cell1 | Cell2 | ... |
A | 1 | 2 | ... |
B | 0 | 5 | ... |
C | 2 | 6 | ... |
... | ... | ... | ... |
- reference counts: a plain text file looking like so:
Gene.Symbol | Ref1 | Ref2 | ... |
C | 1 | 0 | ... |
A | 0 | 0 | ... |
B | 0 | 1 | ... |
... | ... | ... | ... |
cell annotations (the "singler_annot" in the demo script):
a plain text file with column headers:
Cell annot
Cell1 Epithelial
Cell2 Endotheial
... ...
gene position file (the "gene_order_file" in the "CreateInfercnvObject" function):
The format is tab-delimited and has no column header, simply providing the gene name, chromosome, and gene span:
A Chr2 14363 27239
B ChrX 761586 762902
C Chr5 1152288 1167411
... ...
# this script is reproducible in the R docker image on unicron
# load librarys
# import raw data
## counts
### filtered counts
filtered_counts <-
fread('xxx/xxxfiltered_counts.txt', stringsAsFactors = F, check.names =F) %>%
### fibroblast counts (reference)
fibro_counts <-
fread('xxx/80_scrna_cnv_normalization/Fibroblasts.counts.txt', stringsAsFactors = F,
check.names =F) %>%
## singler annot
singler_annot <-
read.delim('xxx/singler_filtered_annot.txt', stringsAsFactors = F, check.names = F)
# data cleaning
## change geneid colum name to genesymbol
colnames(fibro_counts)[1] = "Gene.Symbol"
## generate and write the annotation file
fibro_annot <- data.frame(Cell = colnames(fibro_counts)[-1], annot = "fibroblast")
write.table(rbind(fibro_annot, singler_annot),
"filtered_fibro-ref.txt", sep = "\t", quote = F,
col.names = F, row.names = F)
## generate counts matrix
filtered_fibro_counts_matrix <-
inner_join(filtered_counts, fibro_counts, by = "Gene.Symbol") %>%
`rownames<-`(c(.$Gene.Symbol)) %>%
.[, !colnames(.) %in% c("Gene.Symbol")] %>%
# do infercnv
# creat infercvnobj
infercnvobj <- CreateInfercnvObject(raw_counts_matrix=filtered_fibro_counts_matrix,
annotations_file="filtered_fibro-ref.txt", delim="\t",
ref_group_names=c("fibroblast"), #an alternative: NULL
chr_exclude = NULL #an alternative: c("ChrM", "ChrX")
# perform infercnv operations to reveal cnv signal
infercnvobj = infercnv::run(infercnvobj,
k_obs_groups = 3,
denoise=T, HMM=T,
num_threads = 23,
# if you want to get plots as one of the outputs, turn these two into F
## plotting steps takes pretty long time to finish, e.g., 200 cells dataset: "no plots" takes ~100sec, "with plots" takes >220sec.
no_plot = T, no_prelim_plot = T
cutree(x@tumor_subclusters$hc$all_observations, k = 4)
#cr: Xuan 😊
Reference: Anoop P. Patel, Itay Tirosh, et al. Science. 2014 Jun 20: 1396-1401
Wiki: Broad Institute InferCNV home page (