An API module for MIME Type completely inspired by node mime module.
I needed a deno/ts compatible version of node mime module for Mousse development but I don't deserve any credit for it. The mime types data are the plain files built node mime module developers. No building logic is implemented for now so future versions will need an update for the standard and other mime types data constants based on files built by the node mime module team. Even this readme file was largely inspired by their great work so defenitely check it out.
Import either lite or full version of MIME object. You can easily get the Content-Type of any extensions or the extensions of any content type.
import { mime, mimelite } from ""
mime.getType('txt'); // ⇨ 'text/plain'
mime.getExtension('text/plain'); // ⇨ 'txt'
MimeTypeMap interface is a simple interface to type the data object on which Mime objects are defined.
You can build your own Mime type after importing Mime Class
// Import Mime class and MimeTypeMap
import { Mime, MimeTypeMap } from ""
// Define mime type map
const mytypeMap : MimeTypeMap = {
'text/abc': ['abc', 'alpha', 'bet'],
'text/def': ['leppard']
// Create and use Mime instance
const myMime = new Mime(typeMap);
myMime.getType('abc'); // ⇨ 'text/abc'
myMime.getExtension('text/def'); // ⇨ 'leppard'
Get mime type for the given path or extension
mime.getType('js'); // ⇨ 'application/javascript'
mime.getType('json'); // ⇨ 'application/json'
mime.getType('txt'); // ⇨ 'text/plain'
mime.getType('dir/text.txt'); // ⇨ 'text/plain'
mime.getType('dir\\text.txt'); // ⇨ 'text/plain'
mime.getType('.text.txt'); // ⇨ 'text/plain'
mime.getType('.txt'); // ⇨ 'text/plain'
Undefined is returned in cases where an extension isn't detected, recognized or known.
mime.getType('foo/txt'); // ⇨ undefined
mime.getType('mousse'); // ⇨ undefined
In the same way you can get the extension based on mime type with charset options ignored.
mime.getExtension('text/plain'); // ⇨ 'txt'
mime.getExtension('application/json'); // ⇨ 'json'
mime.getExtension('text/html; charset=utf8'); // ⇨ 'html'
Undefined is returned in cases where an mime type isn't detected, recognized or known.
mime.getExtension('foo/txt'); // ⇨ undefined
mime.getExtension('mousse'); // ⇨ undefined
Define more mime type mapping
'text/abc': ['abc', 'alpha', 'bet'],
'text/def': ['leppard']
myMime.getType('abc'); // ⇨ 'text/abc'
myMime.getExtension('text/def'); // ⇨ 'leppard'