This project is a school project as part of the "Java Software Development with Open Source Frameworks" module at the BFH
- Install IDE of choise
- Add Lombok plugin
- Install Java SDK 8 or newer
- Install & Setup Maven if not delivered with IDE
- Import project using Maven pom
- Biuld using Maven
- Camp module
- Arena module
- Promoter module
- Registry module (Eureka)
- Frontend / Gateway (Zuul)
- The Hero Entities were extended with a morale attribute which will boost / lower their power if the previous battle rounds of their team are successful / unsucessful
- Creating Docker images
- Steep Learning Curve
- -> Look up solution or documentaion
- A lot of incomprehensible behaviour (also called magic) in the application
- Makes for fast implementation, but tracking errors is a real headache
- -> Look up solution or documentaion
- -> Try / Error
- Verbose / cryptic logs / error messages
- -> Divide and Conquer!