Parliament publishes a table of when questions and when the deadlines for submitting questions are. It would be useful if an MPs office could subscribe to these via Outlook so not to miss important deadlines.
Dates And Deadlines For Oral Questions PDF
no, too hard, we lose all the positional data, this needs a human being to parse.
Ok so what if we just have 1 human being enter the detais once and then generate a Google Calendar from it.
How to add events to a calendar
The 'Parliamentary Deadline' Google Calender
The Sheet -> Calendar Script is here
function simpleSheetsToCalendar() {
// get spreadsheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('SHEET1');
// get the data from Google Sheet. The three numbers mean: current row, start with column one, end with column 6.
var dataRow = sheet.getRange(1,1,1,2).getValues();
// Get the date
var date = dataRow[0][0];
// Get the Event Title
var title = "DEADLINE" + " " + dataRow[0][1];
function exportToCalendar(title, deadlinedate) {
var minutes = 6
var now = new Date()
var dateInSixMinutes = new Date(now.getTime() + (1000 * minutes * 60) );
// get calendar
var masterCal = CalendarApp.getCalendarById('[email protected]');
// add to calendar
var event = masterCal.createEvent(title, dateInSixMinutes, dateInSixMinutes);
event.addPopupReminder(minutes - 1)
event.addSmsReminder(minutes - 1)
event.addEmailReminder(minutes - 1)
Logger.log('Event ID: ' + event.getId() + " Will Send Reminder at " + event.getEmailReminders() ) ;