The "Easy Giants' Foundry" plugin is designed to optimize your performance in the Giants' Foundry.
- Interactive Elements and NPCs
- Highlights Kovac, Crucible, and Mould Jig when relevant, drawing your attention to key NPCs and equipment.
- Alerts you when the waterfall/lava pool can be used to correct temperature discrepancies.
- Uses customizable status colors to highlight relevant tools, helping you maintain the right temperature:
- Red: Wrong temperature
- Green: Right temperature
- Orange: One action or temperature change remaining
- Cyan: Click tool again for bonus progress
- Alloy Quality and Crucible Content
- Overlays current crucible contents and the quality of the alloy being forged.
- Best Mould Guidance
- Highlights the best moulds to use for your current task, guiding your selection process.
- Progress and Actions Tracking
- Displays the number of lava/waterfall actions needed to complete the current stage.
- Shows the number of actions required to complete the next stage.
- Indicates the number of actions before gaining or losing too much heat.
- Tracks heat and progress as percentages.
- Tracks Bonus Actions: 6+ section swords get 3 bonuses, others get 2.
Best Mould | Crucible Alloy Quality |
Heating/Cooling Prediction | Low/High Heat Warning |
Bonus Click Notification | Information Panel |
- Patrick
- Best moulds interface feature
- Highlight relevant tools with status colors
- Kovac, Crucible, and Mould Jig highlights
- Highlight waterfall/lava pool when temperature is wrong
- Added Bonus sound/notifications
- Added overlay configs
- Added info panel configs
- Added color configuration
- Vanillj
- Added config
- Added notifications for heat/stage changes
- Added config for actions/heat left for notifications
- Louis Hong
- Added crucible content and alloy quality calculation and overlay
- Added tools action/heat status overlay
- Added lava/waterfall action prediction and overlay
- Added border highlighting
- geeckon
- Added bonus action tracking
- TalSk
- Integrated Smith's outfit effect