Nodal Extended is the project that extends NodalJS functionality
- app.js
- Local JSON Configuration
- Socket Server
- Socket REST API
- Socket PubSub models
- Access Control List model
- Controllers methods |
- Controllers methods binding
Nodal Extended adds app.js to project blueprint, this makes it easier to run server however you like and implement load balancing and process communications in a conventional manner. For example web-storm node.js debugger could be attached now and used as with any other node.js single process servers.
Run server
node app
Nodal Extended includes local json configuration option, see config/local.json.example
for a configuration example.
Local json config will override all or any provided configurations, giving you an ability to precisely configure your local or server setup without need to use env vars.
Create local.json
cp config/local.json.example config/local.json
Adding any config parameter to local.json will override that exact parameter at runtime. For example, your secrets.json looks like this:
"development": {
"port": 3000
"production": {
"port": "{{= env.PORT }}"
Now you have port 3000 occupied on your network, but changing development.port in secrets.json will change the port for everyone who is using the project.
You can add your local config to local.json
"secrets": {
"development": {
"port": 3001
will look like this
{ port: 3001 }
Another example - you want to test production environment locally Your db.json:
"production": {
"main": {
"adapter": "postgres",
"connectionString": "{{= env.DATABASE_URL }}"
Update only the params you want to be different in local.json
"db": {
"production": {
"main": {
"connectionString": "postgresql://dbuser:[email protected]:3211/mydb"
When running with NODE_ENV=production
will look like this
{"adapter": "postgres", "connectionString": "postgresql://dbuser:[email protected]:3211/mydb"}
Notice that "adapter" was inherited unchanged from default configuration but "connectionString" got overridden by local.json
is ignored by git so you can store all your secrets and setup specific configuration and it will not end up in your repo.
New controller methods
To use extended controller extend Nodal.extended.Controller
class MyController extends Nodal.extended.Controller {}
Responds with one model in data object
this.respondOne(err || models, interface);
Responds with raw text
this.respondRaw(err || text, interface)
Responds with stream
this.respondStream(err || dataStream)