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WebDL Android Video Downloader


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Meet WebDL for Android! This android application downloads videos from popular websites, such as Youtube, Twitter, Twitch, Instagram, and much more

Supported sites

Instalation guide

  • Download the latest apk from here
  • Start using the app!


Is there a maximum ammount of videos for downloading a playlist?

  • Short answer? No... Long answer? It's complicated, while the app itself doesn't have a limit, downloading a 1000 video playlist, for exaple, will take a long time, since the app as to "fetch" information on the video , so even before starting the download it will take a long time, if you dont mind waiting there should be no problem in downloading large playlists.

What can I do if I want to help to develop this app?

  • Fork the Github repository and implement your changes
  • Thoroughly test your changes
  • Open a pull request to merge your fork
  • After some of our testing, if we deem the changes valid, and usefull we will merge your request and add you to our contributers

Other information

Main contributers

Stuff we used