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React Drawer Component


Shadcn created a drawer component that is significantly better... just use that XD.

A headless, small and simple drawer component for react


#with npm
npm install react-headless-drawer

#with pnpm
pnpm add react-headless-drawer

#with yarn
yarn add react-headless-drawer

Example Usage

import { Drawer, useDrawer } from "react-headless-drawer";
import { GripHorizontal } from "lucide-react";

const App = () => {
  const drawer = useDrawer({
    position: "bottom",

  return (
      className="overflow-hidden h-[100dvh] relative bg-zinc-800"
      <article className="flex flex-col gap-8 p-8 pb-20 h-[100dvh]">
        <h1 className="text-zinc-100 text-5xl text-center font-black">
          React Drawer Component
      <Drawer.Provider {...drawer}>
        <Drawer.Root className="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full bg-zinc-800">
          <Drawer.Handle className="absolute bottom-full left-0 w-full flex justify-center bg-zinc-900 border-b-2 border-zinc-800 p-4">
            <GripHorizontal className="text-zinc-100" />
          <Drawer.Content className="bg-zinc-900 p-8">
            <h1>Drawer Content</h1>