This is a fork of a project from
There is a 15 minute video about how to use the tool (made by the BNSSG team) available here:
This fork aims to refactor & modularise the {shiny} code, better understand how the app works, and potentially convert it in future to use {simmer}. At the point of forking the app was a single R file over approx 14K lines long, which I found difficult to study.
You can install PathSimR like so:
# install.packages("remotes")
To run the app on your local machine, use the below:
or simply:
For a quick overview see the video (made by the BNSSG team) available here:
Broadly, using the tool involves following the instructions on the screen. There is also documentation available within the PathSimR_Shiny directory. This includes the folders below:
Documentation contains the technical documentation for the app and a sample use case template to capture modelling requirements.
Use Case Library contains expamples of requirements, inputs, and outputs for four case studies, as an illustration of how the tool can be used
Network Templates contains sample input templates which can be loaded into the tool (as an alternative to using the inbuilt input wizard). They are intended to demonstrate features of the input format and not to represent real pathways. Files in this format can be downloaded, modified, and re-uploaded to PathSimR to save time, after an initial pathway has been created using the input wizard. A simple example of pair of input templates which will create an error are also included in this folder, as an aid to identifying problem inputs.
The PathSimR_Report.Rmd and the template.docx files are called from within the app to create a downloadable Rmarkdown report and do not need to be opened or run separately unless you wish to alter the report format (e.g. replace the Word template with one containing your own organisation’s branding).