Simple project that creates a QR code. Created at the request of a friend of mine who has a business and complained about it taking too long to open the cell phone application that has pix, enter the password, create a qrcode, put it on the screen and show it to the client. Or the simple fact that he had to read the pix key out loud to the customer, which also took some time, and then the customer would enter the value and have to show a receipt to see if everything was ok. The purpose of this application is to make this process faster and simpler. The evolution of this MVP includes creating even faster alternatives for carrying out this simple process. That's why I invite you to think with me about how to make this even faster.
Before starting, make sure you meet the following requirements:
[🫡 node 18.x]
git clone
1.Install packages
yarn install
2.Fill .env.example (In root folder)
yarn copy-env
4.Start Aplication (In root folder)
yarn dev
- NextJS
- TailwindCSS
- Firebase
contributions are amazing, to contribute follow these steps:
Fork the project repository.
Clone the repo using git clone.
Create a new branch with a descriptive name (e.g., amazing-new-feature or fix-issue-3).
git checkout -b new-feature-branch
- Make your changes and commit then in new branch with a description name
git commit -m 'feat: bug fixed'
PS..: You can use conventional commits, to make more semantic and descriptive name changes
- Push your changes to your forked repository using the following command:
git push origin new-feature-branch