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Made by: TheRealStew discord: https://discord.gg/8c4tZaC
StewLikeOverlay.py is a youtube Like overlay and is designed to monitor the number of likes on a YouTube video and update a text file and HTML progress bar accordingly. You will need to use a firefox extention to auto refresh the page. (Auto Refresh Page) Also to run any of the Bat files, you need to have Python installed, preferably the most up-to-date version.
- Before starting make sure you have python installed
- Then open install.bat file when done delete it.
- To start press Run.bat and provide the URL of the YouTube live stream link.
- Enter the desired like goal for the video.
- The script will continuously check the specified YouTube video page and extract the current like count using regular expressions.
- It will update a text file with the extracted like count and generate an HTML progress bar to visualize the progress towards the goal.
- The progress bar is saved in an HTML file.
- Then you will need a auto refresh extention for firefox (Auto Refresh Page) 30-60 seconds work best
- Open the html in firefox and have the Auto Refresh extention working
- Then once in discord capture the window of the html in firefox
- THEN boom working youtube like overlay for your livestream for youtube!
- Once your goal is hit it will ask you if you would like to update the goal and it will update!
- Also If you use the same link to stream on you can use the link history by just typing H at the selection for the link and will promp you to select out of 1-5!
- Like Count Monitoring: The script retrieves the like count from the YouTube video page using regular expressions.
- Text File Update: The current like count is stored in a text file for easy access and reference.
- HTML Progress Bar: The script generates an HTML progress bar, visually representing the progress towards the specified like goal.
- Goal Adjustment: If the like goal is reached, the script prompts the user to update the goal with a new value.
- Customizability: Users can choose any YouTube video and set their desired like goal.
- Interval-based Monitoring: The script waits for a specified interval (e.g., 1 minute) before checking the like count again.
- Success Message: A success message is displayed after each update, indicating that the like count and progress bar have been updated.
- Past Link system: Saves our last links you have used if you stream useing the same link