See the Guide on how to contribute here for instructions on how to fork and set up your repository.
In the root directory of your newly cloned project npm install
In the client directory of your project npm install
Skip this next part if you know what you are doing
Noob tip
If you can, "clone with SSH
instead of clone with HTTPS
. This means that, when you type in git remote add origin, you should use a link that looks like this: [email protected]:*YOUR_USER_NAME/YOUR_REPO_NAME.git.*
Observe how that differs from
While the first creates a remote that uses ssh
authentication, the latter uses https
, so it'll always prompt you to enter your username and password to authenticate the connection. For more see this link*
In the config subdirectory you will find secrets-*example.json. Copy it's contents to a new file called secrets.json in the same directory.
Next get a Google Maps API key
Click on the button
This will take you through the process
Note: If you have an existing API key, you may use that key. Detailed instructions
and under googlemaps, paste your API key and save
You also need to install and have running mongoDB - Directions can be found here
When update has completed go to where you installed the project and run npm install
again to install dependencies in the root and client directories. This will update the project with any new packages added to the file package.json in your project.
When finished, in the project's root directory type npm run dev
. This will start the dev servers on localhost:8080
& localhost:8081
This is an open source project for Grow with Google Udacity Scholarship Challenge - Navigation app using offline first strategy and Open Street Maps and google api
The idea for this project is to build a progressive web app utilizing the technologies learned in the Grow with Google Udacity Scholarship challenge.
The project idea - build a navigation app that will store a local copy of pre selected directions and maps so that navigation continues to work properly in poor to no signal scenarios.
The stack - this will be a node app utilizing Preact for the front end.
Pull requests are welcome!
- Main Goal
- Features
- About the application
- Where to get the files
- Key files included
- Requirements
- ToDo
The main goal of the app is to provide the user with a map interface that they can use on their mobile device and that will continue to be useful in poor to no signal environments.
The interface will display a map of a designated area
Users will be able to:
- Search for a location
- By typing into a search field
- Drop a pin at a location
- By placing a pin on the map
- By clicking 'drop pin' next to search results
- Get directions to a selected location from:
- Their current location
- Another dropped pin
- Save a dropped pin
- Save a set of directions
- View list of dropped pins ('saved places')
- View list of directions ('saved directions')
- Search for a location
The app will:
- Use the Google Maps API to:
- Display the map
- Provide a search interface
- Provide a current location
- Provide directions
- Interface with a database to save a users:
- Saved places
- Saved directions
- Maintain last state on loss of signal including:
- Current map View
- Saved places
- Saved directions
- Use the Google Maps API to:
- Node backend
- Preact Frontend
- Open Street Maps
- Google api
- Service Workers
- MIT License
- Files
- Requirements
- Improvements